Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Aplastic Anemia

Do you know what Aplastic Anemia? It is a fatal disorder disease in Bone marrow. This disease cause no production of white blood cell, red blood cell and platelet...

My lovely Boy jai has it now... eventually, either he will put to sleep soon, or he may be able to get better (1% chance? I guess). I don't know what I want to write.... but I really want to leave a Blog about it.

It is not genetic problem, but I guess from some kind of Virus. I have been asking myself, "why is Boy jai?" He did so many good things to human.

*He entertained 5 Kau Gung when Kau Gung came to our house. Boy Jai loved Kau gung. He was crying after I told him Kau Gung passed away.
*He was my partner when Jason (my ex) went out with his friends. He listened to me. He followed me. He made me felt important.
*He made me walking more than I wanted to. KEEP FIT with me.
*He passed the exam to be the therapy dog. He likedto meet people. It seemed like he didn't know what he was doing, but he felt comfortable to let others pet him.
*He kept company with Cookie, share his home with Cookie and let Cookie pick on him. He understood he needed to love Cookie.
*He stayed around my mom when my mom didn't know how to deal with him.
*He was very good with children.
*He is the GIFT from God.

Dear God,
Please give me strength to take extra care of Boy Jai. He is sick right now. I need the power. Not that I want to heal him myself, but you heal him... You are the power of the nature... I am sure you can heal him. I praised the Lord that you lead my way...on how to take care of Boy Jai. I miss him already...Please take care of boy jai and me. I know I will need your healing from the broken heart. I am praying in the name of Jesus Christ. ~Amen.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Open my eyes and let me see what I need to see...

Dear Lord,

Give me a pure heart and a wise mind, that I may carry out my work according to your will. Save me from all false deires, from pride, greed, envy and anger, and let me accept joyfully every task you set before me. Let me seek to serve the poor, the sad and those unable to work. Help me to discern honestly my own gifts that I may do the things of which I am capable, and hppily and humbly leave the rest to others. Above all, remind me constantly that I have nothing except what you give me, and can do nothing except what you enable me to do.

~Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624), shoemaker and mystic
Sorry for copying others' work as mine. I really like this prayer!!!! I just can't leave my eyes off the paragraph. I am having a BIG BATTLE inside me to fight over what is right and what is wrong. Why Do I need to worry that much? Being Silly...