My Lord is taking care of me very well. He is giving me the time to relax, some space to work one thing at a time and the most important thing: He is giving me the chance to enjoy the things happening to me.
Friends of mine know that I really hate driving. I don't like driving. However, I always minimize the opportunities to get into the driver seat. (...I only have 14 more days left before I go back to Hong Kong...) However, I need to drive out to dinner with groups of friends this week.
Monday: VY Group; Tuesday: Lai Shuk & Mimi; Wednesday: Hok dais & Hok Muis; Thursday: Scouters from different groups; Friday: Scouts and Fellowship...
Traffic was good on me today when I was driving to Hwy 7 and Leslie. I insisted to have Indian Food tonight. I had Jap food almost everyday last week. A bit used up all my quota on Sushi and sashimi. At least I needed a break from that. Indian food was good, I loved the Nan and the curry with Mutton. I liked the tastes of curries.
I forgot to mention how surprised I was when I arrived the restaurant. The whole committee was there!! They cancelled the committee meeting, all of the 1st year counselors there, 1st & 2nd year scout helpers, and the most surprised family: Sam Ma's family. Jeanie, the organizer, didn't know Sam, but Billy and Jadas told her that I would like to see SAM as well, so Billy and Jadas invited Sam's family to join this farewell dinner. (Who is Sam Ma? He is my little flower boy who is willing to wait for me until I find my man! heheehee)
Tim (my 1st Partner) was not there, but Harrison (2nd year) was there for me. King (my 3rd Partner and also my dearest brother) was not there as well, but he would welcome me in Hong Kong.
Counseloring Group: Hoppa, Wilfred, Jeanie (with Phil), Joanne, Billy, Jadas, Francis, Garros (Livia & Daughter) and Harrison.
Scout helpers: Phil (and Fannie) & Fok (and gf)
Committee: Eric (Grace and Vivian), Edmun, Alvin, Billy, Keith, Michael, Tim (and Patty) and Polly
I was just too surprised to have so many people to farewell me. They wrote on the 1st year VY t-shirt and gave it to me as a gift. So awesome!!! I took some pictures with them. End up they were celebrating my Birthday as well. It was weird to have birthday cake (medium size) cut into 30 pieces (we have 30 people). the more weird thing should be 1 birthday cake for 2 people. Wilfred was very nice to let me cut the cake (of coz he didn't want to cut the cake with me, looked like cutting wedding cake)
Time went fast and I had so many memories with them. All the memories in VY in the past 5 years came back tonight! I was polished from an inmature kid to a "Ok-mature" adult. I saw a lot of teens grew up with me from Bronze to now.... they became leaders... I was happy, and completed
I kept asking myself: am I really going to cut off from VY now... or just temperate???
I always see VY as my family. I guess... it is just too attached to my life. That is why those teens don't do right and I will be so upset... and mad at them. I see them as my brothers and sisters. Stupid or not? *sigh*... forget it... I completed this part of my journey. I will move on to the next step. Hopefully I will come back to be part of VY again in the future!!!
Friends, Work hard on your goal. Don't ever Give up!!! BE STRONG! "I will be here to support you, no MATTER what!!!!!" <--[that quoted from the time I was trying out HIGHROPE with VY friends in the past yeas.] I am gonna miss the days in VY. In the past, I gave up a lot of chances bcoz of VY; I am going to put VY aside for couple years from now and open my eyes to the world!!!!
Thank you God for giving me opportunities to join this wonderful Leadership Program. I learned a lot and I am still learning by doing. Thank you!