Things happened, I have to move on! Believe or not... Be serious when I work, Be happy when I relax and Be alert when I do stupid things... This is me! This may be part of me you don't see it often. =) Hey! Leave a comment to me, ok?
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Domino is for relax
Domino is for us to communicate better
Domino is the time you only have 50/50 to get the next one suffer
Domino is a forum to show everyone's personalities easily
Domino is a good mind exercise. You need to think before you do any movement
Domino is serious battle if you take it personal
Domino is harmful war if you take it too personal
Domino is the happy hours under the friendly environment
Domino is showing who take control/ who just follow
Domino is a situation to show who care/ who don't
Domino is a training session of the concentration and patience
Domino is a game to find out more about my friends
Domino is one of the games I MISS THE MOST!!!!!!

Remember it's all about attacking and protecting yourself and others. haahaaa!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
No mood to do anything. I already tried so hard to eat a lot of chocolate to boots up my mood. I guess no mood at all.
I am very tired today.
Whenever I think that I have to play basketball with my co-workers today after work. I wanna die. Good to know my brother is coming to play with us, or I will be in trouble. 1 gal Vs 2 guys? What the...?
I am very tired today.
Just found out something happened to our company, I really wanna give up at this moment. I need a rest. I mean I really need a time to rest. Work, study, Daddy's health, etc etc. Good NOT to have any relationship so I don't need to worry about having bad temper to another half; on the other hand, too bad I don't have another half, no one have chance to share with me.
I am very tired today.
Can I borrow your shoulder to cry on? or just have an arm for me to hold on and rest?
I really want to quiet down for a bit, but... *sigh*... why? I guess, why not?
Life is short, don't really wanna pass it without doing anything.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I am getting old and I don't think I can be as energized as what DJ should be right now. Being HK DJ needs to know Mandarin, and I am not willing to learn. I know I should learn it, but this is not the langauge I like to learn. However, I don't think I will be one anymore...
Friends keeps asking me whether I like the work I have right now. Honestly, I am not sure. I guess not, eh? But I pretty enjoy the working environment (not the Factory one), the coworkers and actually the freedom I have in this job.
I don't know the trading part. I don't know if I like to deal with China people that often. I feel like that I am on my own, which is the feeling I never want to have.
There is a friend who came back from Canada for travelling. I met him yesterday. He is those who liked to talk about LIFE, FUTURE, CAREER, etc etc. Talking about my plan, I told him that I am planning to go back to Canada in 3-5years. I wanted to start up the business.
What kind of the business I want to start? May be event management? or anything related to event...? But then, I guess I am not that career-retiented person to work 24-7 non stop. However, I will not work majorly in Events. Being an event planner, you can't be part time. I know I will be able to do so, but I just don't want to... bcoz I think life should have more choices beside the career.
So... what do I really want to be? =) I know, but I am not telling you. If you want to ask me, you better email me and ask, ok?
Monday, October 16, 2006
選擇已經選左﹐你唔好問我點諗﹐因為我根本唔可以答你。我唔可以話你知其實都幾鍾意你﹐一路我都有好感﹐一路都好想向你身邊。我噤樣做好自私﹐因為我根本做唔到令你開心既野﹐有人愛你﹐我要迫自己為你而開心。不過﹐你問我點。。。。。 我真好想好同你講﹕“唔好揀佢﹐佢唔岩你。我啦﹗我又好﹐又鍾意你。。。。。”但係我講唔出﹐因為太遲。
Monday, October 09, 2006
曲:辛葆璉 詞:林夕 編:杜自持
我要痛哭 不想掃興
我要去起訴 沒有罪名
我要退出 不甘清靜
要瀟洒 要解脫 不夠清醒
* 我要嘆息 不敢洩氣
離去不理 沒有日期
我要放手 不忍放棄
仍舊對著你滿臉暗喜 *
# 我想笑 結果擠出這苦笑
那麼牽強 不如罷了 #
Repeat * # #
蛙仙: Froggy
Very nice fish tank we have, but it is too narrow... hard to clean up the tank... but... there was a day... when I took a deep look... I found something. A white body appeared in the tank. He brighted out really much... his surrounding was green and small fish... he was so outstanding.
Most of his time is in the bottom of the tank, watching and watching... then he would jumped up to the top of the water, breathed, then came back down...
Sometimes he did hided inside the seaweed, but he just too outstanding and I couldn't stopped searching him fast and quick!!!
How white he was... pretty outstanding.. when I was taking pictures of him... he looked like a light bulb more than a frog.
He prefered to stay at the bottom, just kept watching and watching.... Things went bad... I guess he was sick, or he was too hungry. I didn't know what he eat. I asked Mr. Wong, he said the frog ate dirt... and the stuffs on seaweed... Not too sure about that. From what I knew, Froggy ate bugs or insects. There was no such things in the tank. He was looking and looking...
He needed to do whatever he needed to. Once again, I believe that he is froggy, those regular one would go to air and breath....Unfortunately, I would be able to see him anymore. I found him dead in the bottom of the tank today. He died in lonely, cold surrounding. Some fishes would stopped beside him but then swum away. Poor froggy. This one was the last one I took last week... He was looking at me when I was staring at him.
Bye Froggy. I am gonna miss you. I didn't mean to throw your body into the garbage can. Not that I wanted to, but I was told to do so. Please forgive me. Froggy, Rest In Peace. You don't need to be lonely anymore... Bye....