Things happened, I have to move on! Believe or not... Be serious when I work, Be happy when I relax and Be alert when I do stupid things... This is me! This may be part of me you don't see it often. =) Hey! Leave a comment to me, ok?
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Lamma trip in Jan 2007
I went there with Simon, Simon's gf, King, Shirley, May, May's friends and Una. I was a fun part. Shirley prepared map and realized we didn't really need one.
From Point A to Point B... it might only took 2 hours... end up Una and I took 3 -4 hours to arrive. Too many small shops around... hahah!
Before we started, King took this picture for me. wow!! I really have a BIG BACK! *sigh*... how should I lose weight??? I want to do so....
There was a good thing I like Lamma Island. There was everywhere to talk about "Protect animals" and I was sure they did what they wrote. Places were clean, animals were petted. People took care of those animals in good way. These 3 dogs were eating my treats. Before we approached them, they were growling at us, especially to Una. I felt so bad to them... However, I bought some treats for them. It might not as good as the dog food, but good enough than nothing in the stomach. If I am for sure staying in Hong Kong. I am sure I will get a dog. A very Chinese Dog! Thinking if I go back Canada, I will get 1 to 2 back to Canada. The Chinese dogs.
After 1/2 way to the bottom of the mountain, you would see this por por. She was selling Tofu Fa (Tofu desert). Everyone must came to see her before going up the hill. She saw Una and I holding pictures, she was smelling. How nice she was. Very typical senior in country side.
That was what I wanted to do the most. Gave up the high paid job, came to a country side and started a farm, let more people know what organic farm and have a tea area, let people rest. Have some music.... feeling so good!!!
I was not a beach person. It took me a while to think how I should take this picture. I didn't like 2 things: Sand & Open water. Don't ask me why, but bad memories from childhood.
The rock was the limited for me to get the closest to the beach. I really didn't like sand. I mean... if someone hold my hand and went there, I might. At this moment, better not. I don't really like going in there myself. If you wanted to know why, ask me yourself. I didn't wanna talk about it on here. Una and I walked up to the mountain. Kept telling her how luxury this hike to us. Last time we hiked was one of the hottest day in Summer with 30 lbs behind us. this was just way much better.
Looked like we could just climb all these rocks and went over to the other side. It also seemed like the rocks were going to fall. Anyway.... kind of fun to look LONGER to this scene.
After GREAT SEAFOOD dinner, we missed the ferry. May's friends kept complaining that she wanted to go back early... so we booked a boat (the one in this photo). I was excited, at the same time, I was ready to the worse. I was going to safe King if there was any bad thing happen. That was how bad I thought. hahaahaaa! It was fast. 10 mins from got on the boat to Abedeen, Hong Kong. $230!! not bad...
Michael Chang's sharings
Time: 2:15- 4:45pm
Place: C & Ma Hebron Alliance Church

Finally, I am down...
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Mini Zion gathering....
Sit Mui... always have her image!
I don't know this couple very much, I only know guy named Raymond, Jay's brother, and pretty lady named Sandy, Ah So!... I only have a very special feeling to this brother and sister. Thank you meeting me, Raymond and Sandy.

It always happy to see old friends. Happy Happy....
Sunday, January 14, 2007
What to do if you don't like yourself?
She doesn't like herself since she was little. I tried so hard to 'rethink' why she doesn't like herself. Then she find the following:
She is fat
She doesn't look outstanding
She is taller than a lot of "SHORT gals", but can't be taller than those "model height" gals.
She was yelled by her mom that she was the mistake from her father and her mom. She was blamed to be born
She just doesn't like herself that much
However, she wants to change the ideas. She knows that she must love herself in order to get someone love her. She need to learn how to love and be loved? She is working her shape now, however, she needs the supports. This is a LONG year battle.
From this story, I really need to "re-evaluate" myself.
If you find the solution, let me know
Friday, January 12, 2007
Plan in 2007
- Clarify my career path
- Take care of my Dad's health
- Keep good relationships among family
Goals in 2007
- Follow God Closely
- Find my identity
- Learn how to love myself
Lego city in Hollywood

I used to wish to have all kinds of LEGO when I was little. Parents used LEGO as awards for us if we got high marks... Unfortunately, I never have any of the LEGO.

But looking at LEGO deeper, you will find out something....

Lego could built a city and children has the fantacy dreams about what happened in the city....
Lego could share our daily life by building from little pieces one by one.
Even a X'mas tree was guarded by Lego men.
One single Lego man could not do much, but many of Lego men could make the difference.
Lego men could show the actions, the motion...
Even animals could built by LEGO. See how amazing it would be? Sometimes somehow, I just don't have the luck to have my own LEGO.... I guess I will just look at the pictures for now...
Sunday, January 07, 2007
My Christmas Eve (2006)
Why did she want to cry? guess....
What a MESS (my living room!!! Her stuffs were all over on the floor. The time I took this already cleaned up 1/2 of the plastic bags, product tags and garbage.)
Just EVERYWHERE.... *sigh*.... *sigh*.....
Yeah, She is my Cousin Bonnie.
I am gonna Missed you, Bonnie. Hope to see you soon.
*Date on photos are not correct. It should be December 24th, 2006
Monday, January 01, 2007
Last BBQ in 2006
Time: met at 11:00am, end up.... be ther around 12:30pm... and not to start until 1:00pm... but left around 3pm. TOO MUCH SMOKE! KILLED ME!!!!!
Location: "Siu Lam BBQ place" @ Siu Lam
People: Kelly (guy), Yolanda, Pinky, Kelson, Benny, Maggie, Stephen, Ceci and me
This is the view from the BBQ area. Beach was outside, too bad that I was afraid to go out to the sand. I just didn't like it at all.
Talking about Camping Fire. The BBQ actually reminded me Brother Ka Ho. Where the heck are you?
Kelson and Kelly (Guy) he does look like "SOMEONE" but can't remember... wondering who he looks like...
Gals from Kelson. =)
"Step-hen" and Ceci
I left early. Please take a look at my nose. The nasal was swolling. IT was really bad. I couldn't breath until I arrived Mong Kok (of coz. It was one of the chances I could rode on "Risky Life Mini-bus". Hahaaha! I just love it! 20 mins from Tuen Mun to Mong Kok). It was so painful for the whole night
I really felt like I had "NO NOSE" after the BBQ in the afternoon.... Just like this...
*Date on the photos are not correct. It should be Dec 26th, 2006.