When we were bored, we started to do something stupid...

Kenneth (mr. Fu) would like to how professional he was being a designer. However, he almost used up the whole marker to decorate his plastic cup. (wasting our resource!!!)

Yu Hon had been eating egg white for 6 days. Look how smooth his face was... hehee! He also showed me how healthy he was by sticking his tongue out. Yuck!

That was the WII guy, Kenneth and I were taking a break and went to play WII, he was doing the promotion. I went to him and ask whether he would take picture with me. He just stood so closed to me and SMILE! OK! Here you go... WII guy and me! (yeah, I was very tired ... and actually stomache after 5 days stood there and ate meat without any "choi")

That was amazing! That was my new pet. I didn't know how to explain it bcoz I didn't really know what they were. I knew they were Prehistorical insect/or bugs... they lived 3 months only. Lab hatched eggs were available in the kit (educational science kit). I walked by and asked where I could buy those, the gal gave me a pack of kit! So happy. I am going to raise them in April (Busy in March, may not have a chance in HK, better start petting them in April)

Last day in Nuremberg, very sick of meat and beer, would like to have ice-cream. Here you go, my 1st Spacgetti ice-cream. I was asking to have chocolate but they gave me strawberry. YUCK! I don't like strawberry since little.