Things happened, I have to move on! Believe or not... Be serious when I work, Be happy when I relax and Be alert when I do stupid things... This is me! This may be part of me you don't see it often. =) Hey! Leave a comment to me, ok?
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Personal DNA
Your cautiousness, appreciation of functionality, and imagination combine to make you a THINKER.
You have a vivid capacity for imagery that allows you to see beyond your present circumstances.
You like to be sure of yourself before voicing your opinion.
A lot of your time is spent at home, or with the people you care about.
Although you may dream often, you're very aware of how things work, and you value things that work well.
You take comfort in the familiar, and value predictability—and others value those things in you.
Accordingly, you prefer a set routine, and although you often imagine how things can be different, you're hesitant to take risks to change things.
Sometimes you doubt whether you have the ability to face certain challenges, but your practical focus helps you solve most problems.
Because of this, you tend to be more reactive than proactive, thinking thoroughly about the challenges that you face.
You have a broad-based, theoretical understanding of the world that allows you to understand its workings.
You're well-attuned to your emotional state, and not afraid to use your feelings to guide you. You tend to be cooperative, rarely contradicting others, and always considerate of their feelings.
You prefer to have time to plan for things, feeling better with a schedule than with keeping plans up in the air until the last minute.
You have a strong sense of style and value your personal presentation - friends may even seek your style advice from time to time.
how you relate to others
You are Encouraging
Your outgoing nature, understanding of others, and directness make you ENCOURAGING.
You want others to do well for themselves, and you generally believe in their abilities.
You often know what's good for people because of your caring nature and your worldview.
When you care about someone, you don't keep it to yourself: you are good at letting people know that you're thinking of them.
Because you trust people, you take violations of that trust very seriously.
You thrive in social situations, and even though you know who you like and who you don't like, you can interact well with many different types of people.
You have a healthy respect for people who have earned what they have, and you strive to be similar to successful others.
You are a loyal friend and a good listener.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Anthony Wong


「若香港是一本書?那一定是一本普通的港式製作漫畫,外表好像是金碧輝煌,但你打開會發現名副其實敗絮其中,是一本劇本糟糕,欠缺完善資料搜集,荒誕不已的抄襲之作。怎樣的城市,就有怎樣書。你看看香港的書店……我們可以擁有一間台灣的『誠品書店』嗎?我們可以有一個美好安靜的閱讀環境嗎?作家的修養和視野 OK 嗎?出版社的動機和抱負清晰嗎?讀者的要求和對文字的專重又足夠嗎?那些腐敗不堪的色情低俗八卦雜誌,已將整個城市污染得很厲害。」 秋生說到這裡,從我們拍攝和訪問地方的玻璃窗看出去,漫天污雲密佈,是暴雨警告剛除下的午後。

(Text from
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Friends are friends
Daphy and her hubby. Thank you for coming over to Toronto and visiting me on your trip. Very much appreciated
However, you can't control me by going to kiss you. (Even you two don't like me making funny face. I like it! =P)
Daphy's long time friend, Daphy and Liz.... I had a LONG and GREAT LUNCH with you all! =) Thank you.
I guess it is very inspire my thoughts lately.
God has his plan on me and my friends as well. I knew Liz from pre-school? I don't even remember.... and Daphy from Elementary school. It was a LOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGG time ago! =) hahahahaaaa!!! oh well.... I guess the friendships are there doesn't matter how much we see each other. As long as we have each other in our hearts.
Thank you, gals. You saved my life (as usual)
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Thank you God that you listened to my prayers. I was feeling depressed, and I didn't know where to go, but you showed me.
You showed me that I should be happy that I am a healthy gal physically.
You showed me that I should do more than what I can right now.
You showed me that you listened to my prayers.
You showed me that you cared about me.
You showed me that you didn't give up on me and I shouldn't even think about it.
You showed me that it is still ok to have depression as long as I accept the medication.
You showed me that it is easy to life in this world when I am different from others, but it is ok. I am ok infront of you.
My Lord, Thank you for giving me everything I have right now. Please keep feeling my loniness with your LOVE. I love you, Lord.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Sorry about my behavior...

I was watching "Six Feet Under". Pretty Hillarious TV series. At the end, I caught the line from this, the actor said, "Please Lord, please fill my loniness with your LOVE". I need it as well.... Please Lord, help me thru this. I can't go thru it without you. Please fill my loniness and emptiness with your LOVE. I need your LOVE. Please, please let me experience your LOVE daily. THank you very much, my LORD.

Saturday, September 15, 2007
每個人在一生中總會經歷不愉快的時刻,通常是由一些悲傷的事件引起,例如和伴侶分手或親人離世。多數人都會間中感到情緒低落,這種不愉快的情緒可能會演變成抑鬱症── 這的而且確是一種病症,但往往遭人忽視,部分原因是患者拒絕求助。這裏簡單介紹抑鬱症的病徵及成因,如想了解治療抑鬱症的方法,請參閱另一份資料單張《治療抑鬱症》。
現時巿面上有不同種類的抗抑鬱藥,我們必須知道它們有別於鎮靜劑或其他精神科藥物。抗抑鬱藥與其他藥物同樣帶有副作用,但它不會令服用者上癮或性格改變。抗抑鬱藥主要有兩種,分別為SSRI(全名是Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors,中文全稱為選擇性血清促進素再吸收抑制劑)和三環抗抑鬱藥(藥名指藥物本身的化學結構)。兩種藥對治療抑鬱症都相當有效,但由於SSRI類型的藥物,包含fluoxetine(Prozac),產生的副作用較少,所以現時較多人採用。一般抗抑鬱藥大約需要兩個星期才開始產生作用。每一次抑鬱症發作,約需6個月時間治理;即使病徵很快消失,也要繼續服藥,因為療程長些,可減低抑鬱症復發的機會。
貫葉連翹(St. John's Wort)是一種對治療抑鬱症有幫助的輔助性藥物,現時很受歡迎,可在健康食品公司或藥房購買。有研究報告指出,它對治療抑鬱症有顯著功效。但由於它與其他藥物混合後,可能會產生副作用,因此病人服用此藥前應知會醫生或藥劑師。
got this information from
Talk, cry, share...
I want to cry on someone
I want to share with someone
I am going crazy, you know ... .I mean... when I notice myself don't even want to do something I used to like, something wrong about me...
Today, I want to cry.... I really want to cry... there are so many anger and saddness inside, but at the same time,... I feel so cold outside.... I don't know where I should go and what I should do. I am really covered by dark and grey atmosphere.
Help! I need somebody!
Anyway... I want to get myself an ice-cream, then I got it. After I got it, I wanted to throw up. I didn't want to even look at it. geeeezeeee!!
Fine... That was it, I got myself a BIG THICK BOOK. I will combine everything into this book. My new Environmental book. I will write down everything on that...
What is wrong with me?
I realized that I am very disappointed in human?? Why? I really don't know why??
bcoz they make fun of me? bcoz they attack me? bcoz they hurt me? bcoz they love me so much ... and they challenge me...???
I am afraid of them? but I am one of them....
I am not being proud of what they do to the world, but I am one of them...
God created Man kind, I should like what HE created.
You know what.... one of my church brothers was so right. I don't have many friends... I mean... why the heck do I care about what he said? Is it bcoz he said the truth and I wanted to deny it? or it is not truth that I am alone?? I don't know... I really think the "depression" thing get me in....
maybe.... I miss one of my friends very much. I don't know where he is and I miss him very much.... that triggers me to explose lately...
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Jack Johnson: Do you remember
It was some time in early September
You were lazy about it, you made me wait around
I was so crazy about you I didn't mind
I was late for class, I locked my bike to yours
It wasn't hard to find, you painted flowers on it.
I guess that I was afraid that you rolled away
You might not roll back my direction real soon
I was crazy about you then and now
The craziest thing of all is over ten years have gone by
And you're still mine, we're locked in time
Let's Rewind
Do you remember when we first moved in together?
The piano took up the living room
You played me boogie-woogie I played you love songs
You'd say we're playing house now you still say we are
We built our getaway up in a tree we found
We felt so far away but we were still in town
Now I remember watching that old tree burn down
I took a picture that I don't like to look at
Well all these times they come and go
And alone don't seem so long
Over ten years have gone by
We can't rewind, we're locked in time
But you're still mine
Do you remember?
Monday, September 10, 2007
First time ever
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Finally... I know why I have such intention
I had cleaned up the whole kitchen (used up the whole NIGHT)
I had used the wet vaccumm to wash the whole HOUSE carpet in one afternoon
I had moved all furnitures in my room within a night
Today, I cooked.
I made something I didn't really use to do normally.
Lasagna.... If you don't know how to make it... it is very very.... time consuming...
Cooked the "skins" 1st
Then defrosted the beef and spinish
Started to put "layers" on....
cut the cheese as I can slice it.... very nice... ahahahahaa!!
Sorry.... don't want to show you how good I can cook. I will not have the picture of it. I believe I have the talent for this.
Next time, if you call me, I made a lot of food. You know I am not too happy...
PS: beside this, I made a big POT of vegetable soup with some beef stews. oh.. .I forgot to drink it... better do it now.
Guinea pig = Job
I went to PETS MART with Daphne, Andrew and Lisa. Good to have Daphne and Andrew came all the way from HK to visit me. Thank you very much. Good to have Lisa took 1/2 day off for us. We had a long lunch and shopped at PETS MART.
By walking around in this BIG store, Daphne and Andrew went crazy for all those dog treats, dog toys,etc. Lisa and I kept walking asle by asle. I walked by the "adaption area". There were 3 guinea pigs. Very very cute. I would like to adopt them badly. Lisa stopped me. My mind stopped me.
"I have been thru all those sad moments, am I ok for the next one? or I will get immused by many times of accepting dealth...

Monday, September 03, 2007
Fear and Struggle....
It has been 6 hours that I am sitting here.... and willing to have someone to call me out to hang around or even someone come to my house... just be with me...
The emptiness scares me a lot....
Sunday, September 02, 2007
I am sorry, I don't understand you.
I was the counselor in a leadership program. I was enjoying so much, but I quitted after I found out that I was not doing what I should do. I didn't have proper training as Counselor, however, I was there be the BIG sister. I would be able to care those teens but not my brothers.
Big sister? I have been a big sister since 1982. I was not a good big sister, and I am not a good big sister still. Talking about brotherhood, sisterhood.... I am very dumb on this. I care them a lot, but doesn't mean I know how to express the love. That is something I am learning from my LORD.
I am sorry, brothers. I don't share my things with you bcoz I don't want you worry too much. Our family has been very closed to each other since we are called "Family", but it seems like we don't share INSIDE things with others.
I should learn.... how to give myself freespace, how to love myself and others and how to understand you inside out.
my pride is saving me now...
- Have a thought, want to write it down, start the 1st line, and lose it all.
- Look at the phone, hope it will be called by you
- Check the message inbox if I miss your message or not
- Want to drive by your house but no gut and no point to do so
- Call you name out when I am driving alone, hope you will get the message
At least I guess I still have my little pride, I already do what I can do... and I will not go beyond that. If you want to see me, I believe somehow you will be able to contact me.
I sometimes do think... I can give up everything for my LOVE... but I am too chicken to do so
I can go wild and do whatever I can, but of coz, I do have rules of my LIFE.
Let me follow what I should, but not what I like. The things I like are too dangerous, better not do so...
Still looking for jobs, any good one?
Long Weekend station
- Relax
- Travel
- Camping
- Surfing
- Shopping
- Walking with friends
- Bubble teaing with old friends
- Go out town for nothing
- Reading
- Jogging with longer way (since you have more time)
- Gardening (do something you can't do in short time)
- Play with the dogs (or animals)
- Watching Movies
- Watching TV
- Go to special exhibitions
- Attend the Taste of "different country"
- Chat with friends
- Look for cafes place by place
- Being bored
- Listening to some radio programs you never listen
- Meet someone that you don't really like to see them
ok, Stop for now
A few new messages
On the other hand, I got a lot of...
"hey! just let you know I read your blog, I am too lazy to leave comment",
"why do I need to write comment on it when I can just email you?",
"I really want to leave the comment, but I don't know how",
"Things are not that easy, keep it up and I care about you thru my heart, hard to put into words as COmments"
"Leave what comment? You know what I mean"...
Doesn't matter you like to leave it or not. At least I know someone do care about me. That's count!
I will try to keep it up. You may find my blog, my messages are a bit non-sense, hey! There are a lot meanings for me. If you know inside me, you will totally understand how I feel.
I will keep it up as much as possible. Thank you.
Thank you for the new 3 messages.