Sunday, September 04, 2005

ET Come HOME!!!!!!

(forward it to as many of your friends as possible to support! please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Dear friends of mine,

If you still have not heard anything about this great event, please take some time to read this email and the web site below immediately. And please help spread this to every of your friends, no matter where you are in the world, Canada or not....!

Let more people know about this great archieve. 2 of my friends, Eddie & Tony, decided to follow Terry Fox's footstep. Instead of running, they chose to walk from a most eastern point of Canada, St John's Newfoundland, back to Toronto Ontario, for a total distance of over 2000km. No luxurious hotel, no delicious food, just plain love to the kids in China who desperately need more funds for better educations!

PLEASE VISIT THE WEB SITE BELOW TO FIND OUT MORE DETAILS, UPDATES OF THEIR WALK, AND DONATE!!!!! update Photo: Also you may email them at! Drop them a line sometime and support them!!!!!!!Should anyone has friend in different provinces that can help, please message me a.s.a.p. THANKS!!


(Introduction of the ET Come Home)==============Walk from St. John's to Toronto. A fund-raisingproject, nicknamed As I walk, You Learn hasbegun on September 3, 2005 in St. John's,Newfoundland.Eddie Hui and Tony Wong of Toronto, Ontario haveset out to walk from St. John's to Toronto, adistance of over 2,000 kilometres that will takethem across six provinces, in an effort to raisefunds for the Culture Regeneration ResearchSociety (CRRS) and its "Growing Seeds Project"in Guanxi, China. Eddie and Tony will finance theirown journey, while Toronto First Radio AM1540has undertaken the task of sponsoring andpromoting this meaningful event.The passion for positive social changedemonstrated through the ambition of these twoyoung men will be an excellent role model forothers in their generation; their sacrifice will inspireothers to do their part to make our world morepeaceful and beautiful.CRRS was founded in 1994 as a non-profit and non-political academic organization in Vancouver,British Columbia.

CRRS was founded by Dr. In-Sing Leung with the Hon. Dr. David See-Chai Lam,British Columbia's 25th Lieutenant-Governor, as its Honorary Patron. Presently, CRRS has over 5000members. Through the Growing Seeds Project,CRRS aims to improve the quality and delivery ofbasic education in the underserved regions of ruralGuanxi Province.For more information, please or ; to make a donation, pleasecall (416) 786-WALK (9255) or 1-866-435-CRRS(2777). For donations of $20 or more, tax receiptswill be issued.

Friday, September 02, 2005

I broke down...

Don't ask me, because I really don't know the reason. I only remembered that I was very sad, very depressed. It seemed like I had so much stresses around me. I knew that I was getting depression again. I was scared. I didn't know what I could do...

second day, my mood got worse. I was very upset about the stress I had. I called King to tell him how much I was not happy. I started to cry. I couldn't stop. I guessed I totally out of control. I told myself inside that I should kept clear minded. I knew that I was losing it. I was scared... I sat down on the floor and cried really hard.... All of a sudden, I had the thought about how to kill myself and let me tell you it was not fun. Beside the thought I had, I also planned what my family needed to do for my funeral. How crazy I was, how scary it would be if it actually happened. I was scared....

I went to see Dr. the following morning. Dr. gave me 2 choices. One was going to emergency room myself, or she would call cop to take me there. I asked for the third choice, she asked me to make sure I was not living alone (someone supervises me) and started taking pills. I wanted to get help too. However, I took the anti-depression pill and start to ask Ka Ho to stay with me. I still not happy, but at least .... I started to calm myself from crying.

Hope I will get better. I am going to see Doctor again... I really don't like "Depression"...