Things happened, I have to move on! Believe or not... Be serious when I work, Be happy when I relax and Be alert when I do stupid things... This is me! This may be part of me you don't see it often. =) Hey! Leave a comment to me, ok?
Monday, July 31, 2006
The simpler, the better...
"Fun Cheung" is a kind of bad name to someone you think he/she is non-sense, or rediculas. It is very common to use among HKese, but of coz, some parents still think it is not a good word to say it out.
"Cheung Fun" is something eat with congee or just eat that as breakfast.
Making "Cheung Fun" is easy:
1. mixed up the 'water and rice flour (I think it is called rice flour)
2. use stream to heat up the silver plate (with a damed cloth on the top of it)
3. use a big spoon to pour the mixture on the cloth (while the cloth is on the hot plate)
4. wait for 1-2 minutes for the mixture becomes solid
5. carefully pull up the cloth and turn over and place the "Cheung Fun" skin on the clean surface.
6. once it on the clean surface, start to roll the skin in order to make it like a roll.
7. place it in the streamer and wait until it serves.
You can put soya sauce, sweet sauce, "spicy sauce" and "smooth peanut butter sauce" with your "Cheung Fun".
I don't like "Cheung Fun" with things inside. The plain one is the best. This is the only way you can taste the skill of "Cheung Fun" maker. The thinner of the "cheung fun" skin, the better of the maker skill.
Just only a plate of "Cheung Fun" can have a lot of joys!!!! It is simple, clean, and can be filled up the stomach with happy moment.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Where is my Eric?
Softhard, I like them since I was P.6. I taped their show everyday. I was totally addicted into them. Listened to their programs, tried to call in to play their games.... waited for them at the entrance of CR. Things went crazy during those years.
After I went to Canada, they were seperated during that time. I still tried to followed their news. Jan started to have his music, his own shows and his projects. Eric started to join the BIG movie industry, the design productions...etc...
10s years later, they were back together to do 10 concerts in Stadium.... I really wanted to let them know, "Eric, Jan... we have been waiting this chance for years..."
As they said, it was a concert, but not really talk show. You could tell that they both tried their best to dance, to sing, and to do stand comedy.
All the songs were familiar, and I was so enojoyed the whole show. Especially, they were trying so hard to tell everyone that they are not mad at each others. They are brothers, friends, and family...
Jan asked everyone to turn on the cell phone. Look at this....
Jan had a serious talk and I felt that he really miss Eric. He missed him to be his partner... a song he mentioned really touched me:
朋友 我當你一秒朋友
朋友 我當你一世朋友;
奇怪 過去再不堪回首懷緬, 時時其實還有
朋友 你試過將我營救
朋友 你試過把我批鬥
無法 再與你交心聯手
畢竟 難得 有過最佳損友
從前共你 促膝把酒 傾通宵都不夠
我有痛快過 你有沒有
很多東西今生只可給你 保守至到永久別人如何明白透
實實在在 踏入過我宇宙即使相處到 有個裂口
命運決定了 以後再沒法聚頭
但說過去 卻那樣厚
*問我有沒有 確實也沒有 一直躲避的藉口 非甚麼大仇
為何舊知己 在最後 變不到老友
不知你是我敵友 已沒法望透 被推著走 跟著生活流
來年陌生的 是昨日最親的某某*
到你變節了 至覺未夠
多想一天 彼此都不追究
待 葡萄成熟透
但是命運入面 每個邂逅
一起走到了 某個路口
是敵與是友 各自也沒有自由
位置變了 各有隊友
早知解散後 各自有 際遇作導遊奇就奇在
接受了 各自有路走卻沒人像你
讓我 眼淚背著流嚴重似情侶 講分手有沒有
確實也沒有一直躲避的藉口 非甚麼大仇
為何舊知己 在最後 變不到老友
不知你又有沒有 掛念這舊友
或者自己 早就想通透來年陌生的 是昨日 最親的某某
總好於 那日我 沒有 沒有 遇過 某某
It touched me so bad... the whole song explained friendship between them in all these years. I was so hyper until this part of the concert. I was sitting still, thinking of myself. If I am Jan, who is Eric? where is my Eric? Did I have such friend in all these years?
Jan and Eric are the legend, legend of the Radio industry, legend in the world!!!! Talented, oriented and caring match. I had a wonderful time in concert with all my good memories. Being with Softhard gave me a lot of good memories.
Thanks, Ah Jan; Thanks, Ah Kot!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Where is my gas station?

Today... today... I am very tired... I really want to give up. I really don't know how I can keep my spirit up in Hong Kong. I miss my dogs. I miss them very much.
Mom and brother just didn't know how to take care of them. This tortures me the most. They have been with me and saw me how to take care of the dogs... but they still didn't know. I guess it is difference between taken care of them with HEART, and with RESPOnSIBLE.
Very stressed... I really want to give up. Tell me what to do...
I think I am running out of gas... need to find my gas station.
2006 August 7th... (By the way, It is King's birthday)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Trip to Bra Shop, make them smaller?
Lanzi and I chose a very nice setting Italian restaurant. I went there once and it was so good to have Italian Food and chit chat. Marcus, Lanzi and I meet at HSBC and walked to this place. 798 Unit is the name of the dining area. I sat down and it was totally turned off. There were couple tables talked so loud and I hardly heard what the waitress said.
It was good to eat with best friend, bcoz they knew what you wanted to eat (or actually I didn't mind what they would ordered). Angel hair and a mixed starter! yeah! The angel hair was good and starter was great! They also ordered an Italian rice with duck meat. I didn't taste that (it didn't serve big portion, but I felt so full....) but I smelled it and it was not bad as well.
After dinner, I suggested to walk around, Marcus didn't want to walk with gals, he walked his sport stores and Lanzi walked other stores with me. We went into a "final sale" store and I grapped some shirts and a pair of pants... Total cost $120 only!!! It was a GREAT price!!!
Met up with Marcus again... and I told Lanzi that I wanted to get something before we left TST. I went into the bra shop and bought this:

I didn't want to buy this colour at first.... but Lanzi said it looked nice. Well... I had black, white, blue, ..... why not pink? If the store has orange, I would like to get that as well. I guessed pink was alright.
Basically, I originally walked in and asked if I could got a bra which smaller my size right now. I just didn't like BIG breasts! Smaller breats were better... why did I need the BIG one...? After I asked that, the whole store went silent (of coz everyone looked at me. Thank God that was not BIG store), and the sale said, "sorry, we don't have such bra, why don't you try out the 'correctional bra'. Well, well, well... if I could not make them smaller, I would make sure they looked nice then.... At least from my point of view, they must look nice.
At the end, I bought a bra which cost 3 times than the total amount of the clothes I bought tonight.... *sigh*...
It is easy to take Women's money..... from her wallet.......
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
A dream to meet him
I was walking down the Hall (Hall liked a BIG parking lot with a lot of cars parked on the sides). I saw him in front of me. He was talking to someone. I didn't want to let him know I was there... so I walked faster and just the time I almost walked by him. He followed me, blocked my way to stop me. I looked up, and he looked at me with a smile and said, "Why don't you say HI to me?" I asked, "How come you recognize me?", and he walked with me and said, "I read your blog and I saw your picture..." "Oh!" I shouldn't put my picture in my blog.
Anyway, I was walking with him.... I was happy... and I was enjoying the moment that he was with me. We end up stopped at the end of the hall, it was rainning outside and he asked me if I have umbella, so nice of him. I gave him a smile and told him that I would be ok. I said Bye and turned around .... then... I can't remember anymore....
This is just a dream. In real life, he don't know me, may be my name only... that is it. I guess I shouldn't think too much. We are living in 2 different world.

When I got up this morning... wish to look at a sky like this, then I would have more space to continue the dream with him. Really... want to have a chance to be friend with him, but I guess it is so hard...
I like to dream. Give me the way of thinking and being happy... hahahahaaaa!!!
Anyway, just want to share my dream with you guys...
一日, 我發覚唔鍾意,但係決定既暫時改唔度,可以做得セ野??
一日, 我同一個人話以後同生共苦,盡我所能,與他用“真”對待大家。
一日, 我向電話度聽到他話他要對我好真甘坦白,他有第二個人對他真。
一日, 我決定從新做人,勇敢面對前面衝來既毎一日。
一日, 我唔想再對人好,嘗試過,但過唔到自己個関,始終要做返被人蝦既人。
一日, 我好唔開心被人鬧,被人蝦時,有朋友行出來保護我,照顧我。
一日, 原來我既毎一歩都計劃好, DEPEND ON 我選擇用乜野心態去睇。
今日, 我依然要過!!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
July 22/ 14:30 - July 23/ 22:00
14:30- 20:00 Book Fair

That was my second time to Book Fair 2006. First time was with Lanzi and Marcus on the 1st day of Book Fair. Number of people was 1/2 of the picture. I was rushing into Hall 1 and Hall 2 in 2 hours. That was why I came back to HKCEC yesterday afternoon. I was expected to see a lot of people. It seemed like we had every HK people in this small CONVENTION CENTRE (which was not small at all). I went there with Lo Lo and King in the 2nd time. I really wanted to go there to get the books I didn't buy. Lo Lo didn't plan to go but she knew I had no one to go with. What a friend, Thank You, Lo Lo!
We walked every booths and I finalized that only had 3 big catagories in bookfair this year. 1. violence (all those names started with "kill", "murder", etc); 2. blogs (so many books related to blogs, especially those books by DJs from Commercial Radio); 3. Cooking.
Talking about cooking, You could find Cookbooks almost in every booths. Even in Children Hall, you could find Cookbook beside the "supplimentary exercise" bookshelf.
Everytime after I finished up my schedule in Wan Chai, I really liked to go back Kowloon side by Ferry.

I liked to sit aside in ferry and looked at the beauty side of Hong Kong.
You don't know how much Hong Kong night changed since I moved to Canada. It was so different, but still so beautiful.
People were saying that Toronto's CN Tower's better than HK Night Nite. NO no no!!!! HK Nite's much better than a lot of places. You had to use your own eyes to look at it.
July 23 2006 09:30
I got up early to attend Church. I really liked to attend early service so I would have more time to do something else after service. After 9:30am service, Lo Lo went to Citysuper with me for lunch. We had a great lunch. Korean food as usual. haahaa!!
July 23 2006 16:30
King and I went to Parkin. Of coz for food!!! There was a special story right after I walked into the store.
3 boxes of cup noodle fell on the ground, no one was helping him, but himself picking up the cups. He was around 3' (around same height as the cart). I walked by him, turned around and I saw his Dad stopped the cart on another side, walked towards him and picked up the cup noodles quietly. Both of them didn't say a word. I went to them and started picking up the cups with the boy. I taught the boy how to settle the foundation of the cups in order to build it up. He looked at me and listened very carefully. Finished, I walked away...

He came to the store with his Dad. I was wondering where his mom. May be single parent family? But he was so good. I followed him around in the store (from a distance). I found that he was really good boy and followed his dad, or the other way around: his dad pushed the cart and followed his son. Strangle that they both didn't really talk much, but 'driving' around in the store together.

This was the last picture I took. He took off. He was so good. I really liked him even I didn't know his name, I didn't know him at all. I was dreaming that I wished I would have a son like him after married. I was enjoying walking around in the store, just so much fun inside the store and so many things were happening...
Do you think so?
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Friendship = dessert?
I went to TST to meet my grade school friend last Thursday. I had a very good time. We didn't talk much, but catching up each others. It's always good to be with someone you know since little.
Too bad that we only had couple hours together. We didn't need to explain, just talk like we see each other everyday. I had a good time.
Actually, beside the conversation was the best, the dessert was good too.
Look at this dessert. We had 3 persons shared this and we just hardly finished it.... It was good.
When I was enjoying this BIG buffy thing, I thought of friendship. This Dessert was like my friendship with this buddy. We started from small portion, it grew bigger and bigger in the period of time. When we took the taste of it, it was good. But it got so filled up if we forced ourselves to see the bottom of the bowl. However, we could only taste it once at a time. It was just right. Sweet, hot, and it fresh everytime I put it in my mouth.
Friendships are somethings I really treasured, especially those I feel comfortable with. Sometimes I do feel giving up on some difficult ones, but I praised to Lord for giving me the opportunities to polish my growth.
Hey! D, thank you for being a good, wonderful, loyal, beautiful friend to me since P.5. It is my honour to be your best friend as well. You know I am around whenever you need me. God Bless you, Pal!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
朋友發脾氣, 我可以点?
我有一個朋友同我幾FRIEND,AT LEAST 我覺得幾熟幾好傾,而他好關心我同我FAMILY。作爲一個朋友,知道他唔開心,好自然問下他發生乜野事。往往就比他鬧到狗血淋頭,真係好難受。
其他人問他怎様?我唔知米答“唔知咼, OK卦?” 就係甘俾人鬧,他覚我代他答,都唔係?!做乜發脾氣? 成日向我發脾氣,係米唔想做FRIEND先?我覚得好可惜,好委屈。真係好想喊!!!!!!!
望住個天,一笑就算。米少D contact loh...唔係可以点 ,你教我。。。。。。
Monday, July 17, 2006
My offices
Looking at my desks... wow!!
check it out...:

This is my HK temp. office. Well... very clean. very bright... even alot of things to do...
ok... friends... are you ready...???
scroll down.....
This is my office in Canada... so messy... Even this is the day I left Yee Hong, it was the normal setting. I didn't really pack anything yet.... hehehehe!!
Could you see the picture in monitor??
He was the guy I liked back in Feb and March.... it was an accident that I liked him. He used to be my highschool friend... we never been very good friends... and I don't think we ever will be. He thinks he is cool..... and .... he won't even take a look at me... (of coz my apperance...)
Well.. this is just the side track. Anyway, this is just a comparison between two setting.... =)
A lonely person looking at the lonely Harbour
好耐無一個人咁行。最尾去左HONG KONG RECORDS, 扌昷D想睇韓戲。。。成三個鐘先一套戲。無耐!
発覚我真係無乜朋友,唯有自己行 still。又繼續行到PAGE ONE, 我知道此地不宜久留,一定勁買書。行到九点几、DADDY來接我。

Saturday, July 15, 2006
What else can I do?
The abandoned one, but not ANYMORE, He found LOVE: Cookie

People asked me why took care of Cookie? His history was not clear, and he would gave me a lot of bad memories.
Cookie was born in 1998 as well. I think April 4th. His 1st pet owner was crazy. He didn't know what LIFE was. He treated Cookie really bad. Used Vaccuum to suck his hair from his body; didn't let him out for washroom over 10 hours and beated him up if Cookie did any accident in the house; didn't give him good food, as a result Cookie was so under weight; and last just left him in dog hotel more than a year. His owner thought it was OK. Until 2nd owner met Cookie. He picked up Cookie from the hell.
I really thought 2nd owner did a good thing to a life. Cookie was so scared of anyone when he 1st met his 2nd owner. Well, 2nd owner took care of him very much. Finally he gainned some weight back to normal (Cookie should weight around 60-70 lbs, but he was only 25 lbs). I went to see Cookie and I could tell that his 2nd owner had a heart for Cookie. I praised to Lord that this little heart thing finally found his love in this world.
6 months later, his 2nd owner called me and told me that he had to go back to Hong Kong. He couldn't take Cookie with him bcoz his parents didn't like pet. They didn't like dog. I asked him what he wanted. He wanted me to take care of Cookie for him. He knew that I would be the best owner for Cookie. I didn't say he was wrong, but I just felt not very right to have Cookie. Cookie's 2nd owner was my ex. He understood that went awkward so he asked his friend to take care of Cookie. He left to HK and Cookie got abandoned again. 1 month after his 2nd owner left him, his 2nd owner called me from Hong Kong and told me that Cookie was upset and misbehaved. His friend didn't want Cookie anymore... How sad for a dog.... why he needed to go through all these? He was only 4 years of age.
End up, his 2nd owner's friend dropped Cookie at my house one day when I was out for lunch. I came back, King (my brother) told me Cookie was arrived. I looked for him, he was so scared and hided himself under a coffee table. My heart almost stopped and I got him out and hugged him really tight. I cried and told him that I would not abandon him like his other owners.
He came to my house, met new people (again), Boy jai (his playmate), other animals (my guniea pigs, birds)... He was so quiet in the 1st month. Sat a side, but Boy jai visited Cookie (where Cookie hided most of the time) months by months...

Finally, Cookie came to my house almost 3 years till this year. He gainned a lot of weight (actually Dr. said he is getting closed to "over weight"), he played with Boy Jai from Sun rise to sun set. When Boy jai was in pain, he would protected Boy jai and not letting any other people touch Boy jai (except my family members). Of coz, he has his temper as well. Please look at this pictures, he hold on all the toys from Boy Jai... and enjoyed them himself... what an AssXXXX... !
At least Boy Jai let him do that... bcoz Boy jai knew he wouldn't keep it too long... Boy jai used his way to get the toys back. I think this is one way they communicated.

I have been Cookie's owner for years. He is the sweetest dog I ever seen. When I packed my suitcase to Hong Kong. He was with me the whole night, just lying beside me and gave me a sad look. When I left the house, he looked at me transfering suitcase out of the house. He barked really hard, liked he said, "I thought you are the only and my last owner, and you are leaving as well? What about me? Who will take care of me after you are gone???" I went to him, knee down hugged him and told him, "Cookie, no matter what... this is your house. You are not going anyone else home, but with my family at all the time..." He stopped barking but just looking at me....
My Dearest son, Boy Jai Chan
In this case, I thinkI should introduce my sons to you all.

This is Boy Jai. He was born in Oct 5, 1998. He and I had a very special relationship. He was crying with me when my granduncle passed away. He was playing with me when I was so lonely at home. He was staying with me when my ex. fiance left me.
Look at him.... he is just like that. Most of my friends don't like him bcoz he has attitude. If he doesn't like you, he won't even look at you. Of coz he will be so happy to greet you when you 1st come to my house. Most of the time, he will take a look at you, smell you, and walk back to his spot and do some thinkings. Weird, eh?
This picture was taken when he ignore my exist and walked up to my bed and sleep. Look at the back, please. the big thing was his ROOM!!!! He took a look inside the room and decided to walk up to my bed and laid there. What the....?

I always thank God that I have him to pass those ups and downs period in my life. Especially the down times....
In case you didn't know, he has health problem. I don't really know what it is but some kind of bone marrow disorder. If you referred back to my early journal, you will find a Medical term as title. That was it. I don't even remember what it called (I prefer not to remember the sad thing). Dr. and I just don't have much to do with it. However, I am trying my best to give the BEST of the best to him. Not too sure how long he can last in this world. I prayed to Lord to take him without getting him into any pain. That is all I asked. I know I would not see him in the heaven, but of coz .... I wish I can... I always prepare the worse of him.
Boy Jai, don't leave me that fast. I miss you very much. I will try my best to come back to see you as soon as I can. You have to wait for me. No matter what!

People sometimes told me that animals act like their owner... am I this weird?? you tell me.
A day in HK
When I woke up, it's already time to leave home.
When I arrived Telford, it's already time to run back to office.
When I just turned on the computer, it's already 10 messages popped up from MSN.
When I started working on the existing projects, it's already another new projects filed up on my desk.
When I had time to eat my breakfast, it's already time to order lunch.
When I wanted to take a nap after lunch, it's already time to check out some 'youtube'.
When I clicked to 'youtube', it's already time to go home.
When I wanted to go swimming, it's already rain storm for hours.
When I walked to the bus stop, it's already time to watch 4 buses passed by (of coz the buses I could get on)
When I went home, it's already time to cook.
When I finished cooking, it's already time for Dad came home for dinner.
When I finished dinner, it's already time to listen Matt's radio show
When I finished Matt's show, it's already time to take shower and to go to sleep.
When I had time to look at the clock, it's already 2:30am.
What the...?

When I really wanted to look at the nice night out, it's time to start rainning. How "turn off" it was.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Soft Hard
Things back to normal, no more world cup, no more Uncle bus, what else will Hk people talk about? I guess will be this:
SoftHard shows are between July 27 - Aug 4 (for now) it already added 4 shows in total.
I liked SoftHard since high school. I mean, I went crazy about them. I remembered I went to CR Radio parking lot to wait for them.
During that time, I remember that I like Soft more than hard. Hard had attitude since then.
Right now... I don't go to CR 2 to wait for them, bcoz I am too old for that, but I really admire them on their talents, and their work. I really wish I can have opportunity like that to discover my talent. Especially CR gave them chance to explore. They also have their brand and their store. It only opens from now till July 27, everyday from 6:07- 7:27pm. I wish I have the interests to get the T-shirt. Just not that kind of mood. It is too expensive, $280 per T-shirt and $2300 per jeans. I will see what I can do may be just get the cap? I like the cap more better. I won't get it if it is too expensive. I am not that kind of person.
Soft Hard is very unique group in Radio history or in HK. I wish them the best and Hope they will give us some fresh ideas on life and have 2 hours happy moment. =)
Keep the Work! The longer you stay together, the more chemical you give to the media and the entertainment industry!!!! You are the miracle in this industry!

Of coz, I was the photographer, so.... not in this picture.
We were still checking out menu during that time. Please take a look at the guy who sat beside ue. There were little story about him and his friend. I was sitting right beside him. He was getting the bill, and he was paying in US dollars. However the waiter came to him and told him that they were not accept US dollars. He said, "I can't believe it. you don't accept US dollars? I am so shocked. Please look at outside, this street is full of HOTELS and you tell me you don't accept US dollars, What kind of services is that in HK?..."
I forgot the rest but he was not impressed. Then I almost got involved into the conversation, bcoz I was thinking... if I go to USA, can I use my HK dollars? That is so stupid... so Americanism!!! End up he made the waiter ran across of street to exchange the money for him. I hate tourist like this.
After dinner, Brid was so tired, so we walked her to take railway.

Actually I couldn't really take the photo, everyone of them didn't listen to me, but kept walking down.... (no one behind us!!!)
ANyway... just recognize Darwin's flag t-shirt, and hardly see Linda. Hahahaaa!!
Good to see all these kids grew up. I felt so old but again, I am so proud of them all the time!! They are my memories!!!! Everytime people ask my age, I would turn to them... and these kids would answer for me and said, "Percy? 43 years old...for 3 years already!! heehehee"yeah... I don't like people know my age... I would like them to know I am 43 years old, so by the time when I am 43 years old... I would not feel that age... heeheeheeh!
Ok! Time to stop. Take care, Aidos!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Letter to my Mom...
Dear Mom,I am worried. I am worried about you very much. I always argue with you bcoz I want you to get better health. I always try my best to take care of the family so you don't need to worry. Once again... I am thinking if I made my right move to leave you in Canada and I came back alone. Mom you tell me...
Whenever you told me that your health is not good, I would be mad, bcoz I know you can keep it better. Like everyone told me: our bodies are body of church.
Mom, you have to take care of yourself very well. Please ... please not to watch TV all the time... no good for you. Who the heck invent TV??? who the heck spread Korean movies to HK?
Mom, what should I do in order to make you feel better, go healthier?? I don't know, I really don't know. Please let me know. What can I do in order to take care of my both parents in different place? exactly opposite side of the world?? What should I do? Why can't they just live together again...
Open yourself... meet more friends... get yourself more hobbies... enjoy the life. Life on the earth is pretty short, why do we just waste our times like that??? we have to positively look at our lives.... Come on mom!!! you are still Young... you still have a lot of things to do... Please don't give up on yourself. Please DON"T!!!!
I love you, Mom.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
食得多,好胖。 又開始擔心自己身體, 又好肉酸!!!
又開始好憎自己,不明白爲何自己水腫?食得健康,END UP 仲肥D,初初以爲自己暴肥, 點知是有病。。。有好多東西不明白。。。
(didn’t mean to have wrong word, I can’t find the right one from the program within my limited knowledge, Sorry)
Monday, July 03, 2006
Cherish what I have...
One day, the King fell ill and he knew his time was short. He thought of his luxurious life and pondered, "I now have 4 wives with me, but when I die, I'll be all alone. Thus, he asked the 4th wife, "I have loved you the most, endowed you with the finest clothing and showered great care over you. Now that I'm dying,will you follow me and keep me company?""No way!" replied the 4th wife and she walkedaway without another word.Her answer cut like a sharp knife right into his heart.
The sad King then asked the 3rd wife, "I have loved you all my life. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?""No!" replied the 3rd wife. "Life is too good! When you die, I'm going to remarry!" His heart sank and turned cold.
He then asked the 2nd wife, "I have always turned to you for help and you've always been there for me. When I die,will you follow me and keep me company?""I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time!" replied the 2nd wife. "At the very most, I can only send you to your grave." Her answer came like a bolt of thunder and the King was devastated.
Then a voice called out: "I'll leave with you and follow you no matter where you go." The King looked up and there was his first wife.She was so skinny, she suffered from malnutrition.Greatly grieved, the King said, "I should have taken much better care of you when I had the chance!"
In Truth, we all have 4 wives in our lives ...Our 4th wife is our body. No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making it look good, it'll leave us when we die.Our 3rd wife is our possessions, status and wealth. When we die, it will all go to others.Our 2nd wife is our friends. No matter how much they have been there for us, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the grave.
AND our 1st wife is our Parents, often neglected in pursuit of wealth, power and pleasures of the ego. However, our Parents are the only thing that will follow us and guide wherever we go.So Love them at ur best ..... They need and Love you most !!! You are their greatest gift. Let them Smile and Cherish..
Sunday, July 02, 2006
"When a person became 30, realized that she learned a lot, but knew too little...; people hanged around with a lot of friends, but hard to find even 1 person that you can talk to..."
I need friends...
I met one of my friends today after church, he didn't say much, just followed me to shop around in Mong Kok. I knew that he was not happy, that effected my emotion as well. I knew that he was not happy either bcoz of his career or his love life. I didn't know what to help him, but waited for his sharing. He was walking behind me.... whenever I asked, he just kept quiet and walked behind me.
I might thought too much, but I thought it was about Love. He didn't want to share with me bcoz he knew that I used to have feeling on him. Yeah, might have hard feeling... but I knew that we wouldn't be together, what should I say....? I understood that he didn't like me but I just wanted to care about him... that was it.
Stupid eh?
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Good not to addict into the culture of World Cup

I am not a BIG Fan of World Cup... I don't know why, but I don't like Soccer since I was very very little. End up, last night was the 1st game of World cup I watched. Germany Vs Argentina.
1:1 (12 ma --> 4:2) Germany won!!!
I was not very into a specific team, but somehow I wanted Arg. to win this game. Somehow, Germany won and things are very impressed as well.
Tonight, I really want to watch "Brazil"
After the game last night, I left causeway bay with friends. WoW!! so scary... so many people were on the road, waiting for buses, and taxis. just so many people on the street. Haahaah~! This is called the night of Hong Kong.... Especially in the middle of the world cup period.
~~~~so cool!!!