People asked me why took care of Cookie? His history was not clear, and he would gave me a lot of bad memories.
Cookie was born in 1998 as well. I think April 4th. His 1st pet owner was crazy. He didn't know what LIFE was. He treated Cookie really bad. Used Vaccuum to suck his hair from his body; didn't let him out for washroom over 10 hours and beated him up if Cookie did any accident in the house; didn't give him good food, as a result Cookie was so under weight; and last just left him in dog hotel more than a year. His owner thought it was OK. Until 2nd owner met Cookie. He picked up Cookie from the hell.
I really thought 2nd owner did a good thing to a life. Cookie was so scared of anyone when he 1st met his 2nd owner. Well, 2nd owner took care of him very much. Finally he gainned some weight back to normal (Cookie should weight around 60-70 lbs, but he was only 25 lbs). I went to see Cookie and I could tell that his 2nd owner had a heart for Cookie. I praised to Lord that this little heart thing finally found his love in this world.
6 months later, his 2nd owner called me and told me that he had to go back to Hong Kong. He couldn't take Cookie with him bcoz his parents didn't like pet. They didn't like dog. I asked him what he wanted. He wanted me to take care of Cookie for him. He knew that I would be the best owner for Cookie. I didn't say he was wrong, but I just felt not very right to have Cookie. Cookie's 2nd owner was my ex. He understood that went awkward so he asked his friend to take care of Cookie. He left to HK and Cookie got abandoned again. 1 month after his 2nd owner left him, his 2nd owner called me from Hong Kong and told me that Cookie was upset and misbehaved. His friend didn't want Cookie anymore... How sad for a dog.... why he needed to go through all these? He was only 4 years of age.
End up, his 2nd owner's friend dropped Cookie at my house one day when I was out for lunch. I came back, King (my brother) told me Cookie was arrived. I looked for him, he was so scared and hided himself under a coffee table. My heart almost stopped and I got him out and hugged him really tight. I cried and told him that I would not abandon him like his other owners.
He came to my house, met new people (again), Boy jai (his playmate), other animals (my guniea pigs, birds)... He was so quiet in the 1st month. Sat a side, but Boy jai visited Cookie (where Cookie hided most of the time) months by months...

Finally, Cookie came to my house almost 3 years till this year. He gainned a lot of weight (actually Dr. said he is getting closed to "over weight"), he played with Boy Jai from Sun rise to sun set. When Boy jai was in pain, he would protected Boy jai and not letting any other people touch Boy jai (except my family members). Of coz, he has his temper as well. Please look at this pictures, he hold on all the toys from Boy Jai... and enjoyed them himself... what an AssXXXX... !
At least Boy Jai let him do that... bcoz Boy jai knew he wouldn't keep it too long... Boy jai used his way to get the toys back. I think this is one way they communicated.

I have been Cookie's owner for years. He is the sweetest dog I ever seen. When I packed my suitcase to Hong Kong. He was with me the whole night, just lying beside me and gave me a sad look. When I left the house, he looked at me transfering suitcase out of the house. He barked really hard, liked he said, "I thought you are the only and my last owner, and you are leaving as well? What about me? Who will take care of me after you are gone???" I went to him, knee down hugged him and told him, "Cookie, no matter what... this is your house. You are not going anyone else home, but with my family at all the time..." He stopped barking but just looking at me....
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