Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Jeffery Kwok (1986-2006)

December 13th, 2006

【明報專訊】上周日清晨﹐萬錦市一名20歲郭姓華裔青年Jeffery Kwok乘搭由一名21歲青年駕駛漕T車途經萬錦市東北面的Whitchurch-Stouffville市時﹐失事撞牆後﹐汽車再飛撞一條金屬燈柱及一棵樹﹐司機及乘客均身受重傷﹐而該名20歲乘客延至本周一﹐終告傷重不治。至於21歲司機﹐情況仍然嚴重。約克區警方表示﹐該宗嚴重車禍發生於上周日(10日)早上約6時﹐當時21歲的萬錦市青年駕駛一輛黑色Honda Civic以高速沿第9線(Ninth Line)向北行駛。當他們駛至Lakeshore Road﹐近Aurora Road時﹐汽車失控﹐先撞中一幅水泥護土牆﹐然後汽車飛起﹐再撞中一條金屬燈柱及一棵樹﹐才在Mitchell Avenue南面停下來。失事地點在Musselman湖以南。

Jeff was a tough kid. He did bad things on purpose to hurt his friends and his counselors. I was not in his team, but he was dating a girl in my team. He got my attention. He was cute and working hard to get whatever he had. After VISION YOUTH Year, I met him again on the street, he was with gangsters, looking at me and thinking whether he should came to me. I shouted to him and he came over. I said, "Jeff, You gave yourself a very rough life. Listen to me, back to the normal track. Get good grade, go to university, be nice to your parents." Jeff looked at me for a while and said, "Percy jeh, I don't want to have a life like that as well... I would keep your words in my mind. You will see"....

Year after, he got into University. He studied hard....and I lost contact with him.

Today ... I was very happy... very very happy.... all of a sudden, got a phone call from my mom to say that Ka Ho (my brother) cried really hard bcoz he had to help out Jeff's funeral. I was shocked.... and I cried ... Bcoz I don't know what else I could do for Jeff.

Jeff, I am gonna miss you. I know there will no one scream "PERCY JEH" a block away.

Jeff... it is ok that you didn't pass VY... It is ok that you didn't get the cert. You already passed in my heart. Jeff, you will have lots of happy time in the heaven. Rest in Peace....

Percy jeh

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