They had a sense to know that I was on holiday, so they didn't even bother to bug me (when I was hurry to work, they always looked at me sadly and kept barking...)
Things happened, I have to move on! Believe or not... Be serious when I work, Be happy when I relax and Be alert when I do stupid things... This is me! This may be part of me you don't see it often. =) Hey! Leave a comment to me, ok?
Monday, April 30, 2007
Holiday activity
When I was on my Holiday in Canada... I always played with my dogs. That was something I wanted to do at all the time, but didn't have a chance to do so...
They had a sense to know that I was on holiday, so they didn't even bother to bug me (when I was hurry to work, they always looked at me sadly and kept barking...)
This is Cookie lying down on floor, and I tried to squeeze my head to his body. so Fluffy... so nice...
That was on the way to Grooming for Boy Jai. Poor Boy Jai, didn't know what would happened to his hair... haahahahaaa!!! Look at Ka Ho and I? We were so Mo noi...
After Grooming, Boy jai didn't even look at me for hours. I went to see him and tried to kiss him. He was like "Don't even come closer you moron!! Look how clean I am... your lip smells...."
Finally, I grapped him and he had no where to go... hahaahaha! Poor him... I miss Boy jai
On the other side, Cookie looked at us and got ready to fight! heheehee! Cookie, I love you too!
They had a sense to know that I was on holiday, so they didn't even bother to bug me (when I was hurry to work, they always looked at me sadly and kept barking...)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Why should I bother?
Sun raise and Sun set...
I am sitting in front of the computer again, doing some rountine things again.
I am evaluating myself again. It's good to have someone agreed of what I do. It is very encouraging. At the same time that is not doing any good if things are not working very well.
I claim myself not in good shape physcially and mentally. I think spiritually as well. Hope things are doing ok everyday, but they are not especially I put the standard too high.
Oh well... I always find myself some entertainment.
I guess it's worth for a smile, right?
Thank you, Ka Ho.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Happiness from the bitter
When you are working the same things over and over again.... at the end ... you really want to have some fun with your work. So... what do you need to do?
For me, I made a car crush scene.... do you like this?
For me, I made a car crush scene.... do you like this?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Family (1)
As you know me, You should know how much I love my brothers. They are the only brothers I have (from the family). You may not know them too well...
This is Carreau. He love to follow me at all time. I really care about him as I don't want him to grow up like me. If he uses his skills and his talents in the right way, I am sure he will be succesed soon.
Carreau, Good luck! Walk with GOD. Don't give up.
Another one is different from Carreau. King is more mature since he was 3 months old. He always be the one who make decisions, calm down people and being picked on. It goes better now since he will fight back with this soccer kick! heeheh! (Not that he loves Soccers, but just the kick!)
King, share with us. We all love you. Don't hide from us.

This is my family. Of coz, Mom and Dad should be on here too, but I would like to introduce my brothers first. I love them very much even I am not a good sister and yell at them all the time.
This is taken in Raymond Wong's studio in 1980s... Don't know when??
This is Carreau. He love to follow me at all time. I really care about him as I don't want him to grow up like me. If he uses his skills and his talents in the right way, I am sure he will be succesed soon.

This is my family. Of coz, Mom and Dad should be on here too, but I would like to introduce my brothers first. I love them very much even I am not a good sister and yell at them all the time.

Sunday, April 15, 2007
When I was in Nuremberg, I got a pack of triops
40 eggs...
put into the distilled water...
wait for 24-48 hours...
some of them will hatch...
put the food in...
let them grow...
need to change water every day...
Only 7 days.... I put them into water last Sunday.... and today... they all die....
........ ....... *sigh*..... .....
40 eggs...
put into the distilled water...
wait for 24-48 hours...
some of them will hatch...
put the food in...
let them grow...
need to change water every day...
Only 7 days.... I put them into water last Sunday.... and today... they all die....
........ ....... *sigh*..... .....
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Environment and Animals
Today is a boring day.
Boring day expands the time of my day, gives me more time think about the problem around me.
I have been asking myself what is the first priority for me.
"Environment & Animals"
So, what should I do?
If you want to do something good to our community, please start from yourself. Be a environmentalist and animal accepter. Both Environment and Animals are parts of the earth as well. Take care of yourself, and take care of the world.
Boring day expands the time of my day, gives me more time think about the problem around me.
I have been asking myself what is the first priority for me.
"Environment & Animals"
So, what should I do?
- Encourage people to recycle. Before that, I should be the 1st one to start it.
- Eat less, then I don't need to lose weight (waste what I eat)
- Try not to make more garbage. Reduce the size of the garbage I will make
- Don't waste the resouces (MAINLY WATER) on EARTH.
- Try not to use Polyfoam as much as you can
- Bring lunch to work, use reusable containers
- Do laundry when it up to 1 load instead of 1/2 load
- Recycle the plastic bags we have at home.
- Fill up the WHOLE plastic garbage bag before you actually throw them away.
- Recycle the paper
- When ink pen/ pen has no more ink, buy the ink to refill it, but not buying the brand new pen
- Turn off the lights of which you don't really need them
- You can use the rice water to wash the vegetable and water the plants. It has nutrients and also wash off the dirt from the vegetable
- Bring your own bottle water instead of buying plastic bottle water.
- If you eat out and have food left over, bring them home instead leaving in the restaurant. You will be able to have free lunch the following day.
- Encourage friends and people who want to have pet going to Animal shelter/ SPCA to pick up dogs only (Big and Small dogs are the same: they are loyalty to you)
- Make sure the pet owners feed them proper dog food instead of human food.
- Train them instead of yell at them. If your brothers/sisters/family members don't understand you sometimes, how can you expend the animals expect you fully?
- Treat them as FRIENDS/FAMILY MEMBERS but not a piece of XXXX
- They are alive as well, treasure their LIVES
- Doesn't matter the animals are cats/dogs/guinea pigs/ rabbits/hamsters/snakes/etc etc. They are the living creatures by GOD.
- Don't lock them in the cage at all the time, even you don't want to be locked in your room, right?
- Give them love, bcoz they don't have any mother/father/brother/sister, but you.
- You are lucky to have the TOILET, animals want to have toilet with flush as well. Pick the poo-poo up for them. It is public education.
Remember, "What you want is not EQUAL to What you need."
If you want to do something good to our community, please start from yourself. Be a environmentalist and animal accepter. Both Environment and Animals are parts of the earth as well. Take care of yourself, and take care of the world.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I thanked God to give me this challenge!!!!
I thanked God for stopping my tongue when I could speak out for myself while someone set me up. I understood she must had her reason to set me up. That meant I was still useful.
I thanked God for keeping my temper when she showed her kindness by setting me up in bad situation. I understood she needed to get the reward from boss.
I thanked God for letting me breath faster when boss was yelling at me. It showed that I was still healthy to breath.
I thanked God for giving me the opportunities to see what the REAL WORLD was. I always stayed in the simple world, but not the complicated community.
I thanked God for letting me know Family is more important than my career even MONEY is main element as well.
Wake up, PERZ!!!! HONEYMOON period is OVER, the battle begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am very unhappy that I was being set up by my 2nd boss to have 3-4 "dead cats" in tonight's meeting. All arrows were I will NOT GIVE UP! You'll see!!!! I will make sure you want to keep me when I resign. You will regret!!!! Too bad. This is me!
You don't deserve my ability.
I thanked God for keeping my temper when she showed her kindness by setting me up in bad situation. I understood she needed to get the reward from boss.
I thanked God for letting me breath faster when boss was yelling at me. It showed that I was still healthy to breath.
I thanked God for giving me the opportunities to see what the REAL WORLD was. I always stayed in the simple world, but not the complicated community.
I thanked God for letting me know Family is more important than my career even MONEY is main element as well.
Wake up, PERZ!!!! HONEYMOON period is OVER, the battle begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am very unhappy that I was being set up by my 2nd boss to have 3-4 "dead cats" in tonight's meeting. All arrows were I will NOT GIVE UP! You'll see!!!! I will make sure you want to keep me when I resign. You will regret!!!! Too bad. This is me!
You don't deserve my ability.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Because I said so
I went to watched this last weekend. It shocked me because it is very much like my life.
My parents are very protecting me, especially my Dad. It is strange that they don't worried about my Dating status... I guess I give them enough faith that I will have beloved one eventually.
hummmm........I am worried.
Not that I want to get married and have baby. It already jumped too many steps. I like to do things step by step. I always make fun of myself to tell everyone that I got myself a wedding planner, an MC, a little handsome flower boy, place to have my wedding.... but I don't have the person yet. Even my flower boy said, "Percy Jeh jeh, don't make me wait for too long. I will grow up you know...? I was speechless.
Friends sometimes ask me NOT TOO picky and get a guy to get married.I don't think I am picky, but all the guys just think I am their good friends, best friends.... may be I don't have the luck to have someone like that to be with me.
Of coz, some people say that we should have something real when we have no another 1/2. They are talking about money..... $$ is important, but not as important as other things. Things like family, friends, career, my dogs... my pets....
Next time when I settle down (properly not HK) I will get myself a Guinea Pig again. I miss Pa Lay very much. (For those don't know what "pa lay" means. Pa Lay (pear) was my 1st Guinea pig. He was litter trainned, and will come to me when I called "Pa Lay", and he liked to sleep on my boobs (My ex said, who didn't want to... haahahahaa)). Beside my 1/2 one, Pa lay is the only kind of animals allow to sleep on them.. ehheheeheheeeeheeeeee!
Talking about meeting new guys, I always ask God to show me who is the one. I don't know... I really don't know ... I am being very passive in this case... Everytime I got rejected if I being active. Anyway.... Hope I will find my man soon.
I enjoy my life being single, but I want to be couple..... are you out there? come to me now!!!!
I went to watched this last weekend. It shocked me because it is very much like my life.
My parents are very protecting me, especially my Dad. It is strange that they don't worried about my Dating status... I guess I give them enough faith that I will have beloved one eventually.
hummmm........I am worried.
Not that I want to get married and have baby. It already jumped too many steps. I like to do things step by step. I always make fun of myself to tell everyone that I got myself a wedding planner, an MC, a little handsome flower boy, place to have my wedding.... but I don't have the person yet. Even my flower boy said, "Percy Jeh jeh, don't make me wait for too long. I will grow up you know...? I was speechless.
Friends sometimes ask me NOT TOO picky and get a guy to get married.I don't think I am picky, but all the guys just think I am their good friends, best friends.... may be I don't have the luck to have someone like that to be with me.
Of coz, some people say that we should have something real when we have no another 1/2. They are talking about money..... $$ is important, but not as important as other things. Things like family, friends, career, my dogs... my pets....
Next time when I settle down (properly not HK) I will get myself a Guinea Pig again. I miss Pa Lay very much. (For those don't know what "pa lay" means. Pa Lay (pear) was my 1st Guinea pig. He was litter trainned, and will come to me when I called "Pa Lay", and he liked to sleep on my boobs (My ex said, who didn't want to... haahahahaa)). Beside my 1/2 one, Pa lay is the only kind of animals allow to sleep on them.. ehheheeheheeeeheeeeee!
Talking about meeting new guys, I always ask God to show me who is the one. I don't know... I really don't know ... I am being very passive in this case... Everytime I got rejected if I being active. Anyway.... Hope I will find my man soon.
I enjoy my life being single, but I want to be couple..... are you out there? come to me now!!!!
Way to keep the Flame of happiness
I have been pretty busy recently. Both at work and at personal life are busy. I used to talk to myself. Yeah... I like to talk to myself.... bcoz I have so many so much to say but not too many people I want ot share those stuffs with.
I still remember I was making fun people putting up their journal on web is very immature attitude. Now see who is doing it....
Una and other friends keep asking me why no more smiles on my face after I moved back to Hong Kong. That was something I didn't recognize until they told me. I don't know .. I guess I can't talk to myself anymore (too many people on the street)... so not letting myself open enough...? I don't know ...
I start to meet new friends on internet. I mean just one or two... not many of them. I should not using "meet" bcoz I don't think we will never meet. Isn't it the rule of meeting people on internet? Never meet them to give them the unlimited imagination of myself. Can't believe I found "smile" on this way. I feel relief not that tensed when I talk to them.
Smile is still with me all the time... This is a simple way to show "Hey! Percy is friendly, easy to approach, come talk to me". Tell you something: Some people think I am hard to hang around with.
I guess...Smile is not running away from me... but the flame of happiness is almost off. I need to find a way to keep the flame going on.... Do you have any idea? Let me know...
I still remember I was making fun people putting up their journal on web is very immature attitude. Now see who is doing it....
Una and other friends keep asking me why no more smiles on my face after I moved back to Hong Kong. That was something I didn't recognize until they told me. I don't know .. I guess I can't talk to myself anymore (too many people on the street)... so not letting myself open enough...? I don't know ...
I start to meet new friends on internet. I mean just one or two... not many of them. I should not using "meet" bcoz I don't think we will never meet. Isn't it the rule of meeting people on internet? Never meet them to give them the unlimited imagination of myself. Can't believe I found "smile" on this way. I feel relief not that tensed when I talk to them.
Smile is still with me all the time... This is a simple way to show "Hey! Percy is friendly, easy to approach, come talk to me". Tell you something: Some people think I am hard to hang around with.
I guess...Smile is not running away from me... but the flame of happiness is almost off. I need to find a way to keep the flame going on.... Do you have any idea? Let me know...
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