As you know me, You should know how much I love my brothers. They are the only brothers I have (from the family). You may not know them too well...
This is Carreau. He love to follow me at all time. I really care about him as I don't want him to grow up like me. If he uses his skills and his talents in the right way, I am sure he will be succesed soon.

Carreau, Good luck! Walk with GOD. Don't give up.

Another one is different from Carreau. King is more mature since he was 3 months old. He always be the one who make decisions, calm down people and being picked on. It goes better now since he will fight back with this soccer kick! heeheh! (Not that he loves Soccers, but just the kick!)

King, share with us. We all love you. Don't hide from us.

This is my family. Of coz, Mom and Dad should be on here too, but I would like to introduce my brothers first. I love them very much even I am not a good sister and yell at them all the time.

This is taken in Raymond Wong's studio in 1980s... Don't know when??
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