Monday, July 02, 2007

I want to be a GOOD counselor

12 Qualities of a Godly Counselor:

1. A person who genuinely cares. Does the person whomyou seek counsel genuinely cares about you? Are youallowed freely or able to emotionally unlock yourselfwhen you share with this person?
2. A good listener. Is the person able to activelylisten to what you have to share without formingjudgement right away?
3. Ability to respond positively, focussing on thegoodness of God. Are you comfortable to be vunerablebefore the person, willing to take that risk to beopen to him/her? Knowing that you will be safe, withwhat you share to the person, despite, thevunerability.
4. A spiritually mature individual. Does the personhave that spiritual maturity, without hidden agendas?
5. Available to observe your lifestyle. Is the personwilling to speak God's truths into your life, not withwhat you want to hear, but what you need to hear andknow..? Is he/she willing to coach you in taking stepsto change for the better, rather than just flatteringyou..? Directing you closer to God..
6. A person who asks the right questions. Is theperson able to ask crucial questions that would directyou to draw closer to God? Asking questions that wouldinstigate the truths and that would aultimately, leadto greater growth and development.
7. A non-judgemental/ critical person. Is the personwilling to hear the truth, listen, help you deal withyour weaknesses, help to provide some accountabilityfor your actions, and still loves you unconditionallyas God loves you..?
8. A person who focuses on the Kingdom of God. Has theperson think through clearly before giving counsel toyou? Has the person think about the impact of his/herwords to the people around you before speaking to you,only to lead you closer to God..?
9. A wise and understanding counselor. Has the personbeen seeking Godly wisdom from God? Applying God'sWords through knowledge and revelations. .
10. Ability to outline your responsibilities. Does theperson able to provide framework and guidelines toshow you, your personal responsibilities towards theoverall outcome of your situation? Through the counselof that person, can you see your share ofresponsibilities and how you can achieve them?
11. Ability to teach interpersonal skills. Is he/sheable to teach you to build bridges and stay connectedto others, rather than isolation and teachingco-dependence on others..?
12. Ability to speak God's Word into your life. Is the person able to live by the Word of God? Is he/she ableto use God's Words to encourage and challenge you togrow spirtually and develop to become the man andwoman of God's intent..?Moses had a very wise father-in-law, Jethro, whoprovided Godly counsel that Moses needed at a time.Exodus 18:1-17, recorded an account of how Moses cameto Jethro for Godly counsel when he visited Moses,with his daughter and grandsons. Jethro became a goodexample of a wise Godly counselor that God had broughtabout, in Moses life.

As a result, it had such greatimpact, not only in Moses decisions making in thefuture, but also in the lives of the Israelites. Doyou have someone whom you can seek Godly counsel to?Count it all blessings that God has placed thesepeople in your life..

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