Thank you for being so nice to me, my friends.
Thank you for comforting me by calling me again and again and make sure I am still alive, my friends.
Thank you for sharing your experiences with me, my friends.
Thank you for worrying about my feelings and emotions, my friends.
Thank you for confirming me it is not worth to cry that much, my friends.
Thank you for offering me your times after the break up, my friends.
Thank you for taking care of me by letting me NOT to focus on ONE thing, my friends.
Thank you for telling me that I am not worthless, my friends.
But my friends,
I am trying so hard NOT to think about the negative side.
I am trying NOT to thinking back, but looking forward.
I am trying smiling to myself and telling me it will have another brand new day.
I am trying NOT to waste anyone's time on my negative feelings
I am trying to tell myself that I am still useful.
Sorry my friends,
please let me cry out LOUD in front of you and my dogs.
please let me do stupid things.
please let me act like a fool
I promise you, my friends,
I won't hurt myself physically.
I won't cry until another tear rashes pop out.
I won't put those negative feelings into my new job
I won't bother anyone to do what I like, what I want.
Once again, Thank you for all your loves and kindness.
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