I went to talk to brother Chris (Pastor Chris) and he taught me one very important thing: one little thing at a time. I set a goal and acheive everyday. That will build up my self-esteem.
It is not easy for me to build it from ZERO.
I should thank my ex-manager. If she didn't drag me to ZERO self-esteem, I would not do it from beginning.
Everyday, I do thing little by little, and find sometimes to take the following pictures. It is time to take more or I will regret like what I did to Boy jai and Connor. Take more pictures and he will be my memories in the future.
One day, I am too concentrated to look at him, and I fall to sleep. When I open my eyes, I see...
a BIG HEAD and a pair of BIG EYES looking right back at me...
He is very closed to me. I mean too close... my eyes go out of focus. He is very very closely watching me. guarding me. He doesn't step back at all since day 1 he lives with me. Only me, left him behind... always left him behind...
Cookie, I love you. I know your legs are hurting and you pretends nothing bothering you. I know your eyes can't see clear anymore. Don't worry. I will be your guide. bcoz you are my cookie. The only Cookie I will ever have.... You are just too unique... too special...
Cookie, I love you always. Don't leave me too soon.
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