I was not planning to go out for dinner.
Thank you Paulo for saying that he would paid for me. I wouldn't mind to hang out with my friends for couple more hours. End up, I was so regreted!!!!!!
I used to eat a lot of Spicy food, not that I loved them, but proving I would be able to eat them. I honestly didn't like spicy. it killed my tastebuds. According to my Senior moment memories, I didn't eat spicy spicy food for "LONG" time. Here I was, in a Szechun restaurant with my friends.
Please NOT to think those were worms. They were not worms at all, but HOT CHILLY PEPPERS. Yeah, it was the whole freaking dish of hot pepper with a few nail size chicken in it. When the waitress placed the dish on our table, I already knew it must be freaking HOT. It spiced my nose badly. Of coz I didn't mind to eat them, it didn't matter what we were eating, I was enjoying the time with my friends.

*sigh*, that was good but once again, SPICY! The whole bowl was RED! .... What could I say? "eat it!" Actually, that wasn't too bad compared with the "worm-like" hot pepper with Popcorn chicken.

Of coz, I gotta tried them.

By looking at my face, you would know how much I wanted to eat it. Oh well... forget it. I was pretending. I loved this dish actually.
This was my Savior of the dinner. End up I got stomache (I had it before I went to dinner, and even worse after those two red dishes). Good that I had a glass of soya milk. Thank God.
Actually, I had more than 2 glasses of soya milk. The main reason was my stomache.
Once again, Thank you Paulo for paying me this dinner. I am gonna kick your ass, man!
Conclusion: Make sure what you are going to eat even friend is paying you. heeheheehe! Just kidding. I actually enjoyed the dinner! Thank you, Paulo.
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