When I came to office this morning, I found a note on my table:
"Percy, I MUST see you on a few things tomorrow at 4pm, I won't be in until 2:30pm tomorrow, thanks."
I didn't know what I needed to know, but I felt something happened, then I saw the Voicemail light is on. I picked up the message. It was from Alice this morning at 7am. She didn't want to call me this morning, but she was panic attack.
Why do we do this in Panic mode? I really don't like the atmosphere. If I am getting tighten up, I am sure no one will have a good day. However, I choose to calm myself down and tell myself that EVERYTHING is handled by GOD.
God is willing to do so, but am I letting HIM to take care of me? Just like I know how much HE loves me by sending so many friends around to help me out, then I am still in panic???
I want to relax and end up I find myself out of breathe.
Kenneth has a lot to do/ worry at work, but he can still comforting me and willing to go to swim with me. I dropped it for awhile, I really want to do some exercises. Even a short walk with Dogs should be fine. I still can't find the time?
I am sure God will not let us do something in panic mode. It is another BIG lesson. how to LET GO. Human beings always think that they can control everything, but HOW? No matter how much money you get, you won't be able to take those materials to Heaven with you. Then in my case, I would like to do my BEST to help others (indirectly), but why do I make myself so weak in order to make it success? I mean, I want to achive what I need to, but I have been asking myself repeatly why do I have such weak body (physically and mentally).
Can't breath again... just can't breath... Relax Percy! Relax! You can do it...
Things should be prepared already, you will need to execute it. This is what you are good at! Take it easy! Make your volunteers happy and make yourself available to GOD.
Tell you all a secret: in the past months, the only thing that made me happy the most... is Kenneth become Christian and want to know more about God. This is something good for me as well. I am not a good Christian, and I will need to prepare myself in order to grow in Christ with him. Thanks, Jesus. I praise to you, my heavenly father.
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