Tuesday, May 05, 2009


It sometimes not coming from Work.
It sometimes not dealing with people.
It actually comes from myself. When my actions are not reaching my standard. It actually cause a certain level of stress.

I keep asking myself, just go back to orginal: take the pill and things will get better.

I was cooking for my family. I was alone in the kitchen. I was not talking to anyone, just by myself to stand there and to cook. My tears came out without any onion. Tomorrow has to work, but work should not a "Bother" as I know I will get off work early tomorrow.

My honey has some issues at work and should be able to take care of it himself, but I feel bad that he has to take care of me as well. My Burden shouldnot be his burden. It should be my problem, but not his. Sorry, Kenneth. Don't want to give you any extra things.

Pressure + tight timing = Going crazy.

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