Saturday, September 30, 2006

My own home sweet home

I haven't update my blog for a bit of time. It has been a while.
Just came back from a friend's wedding. I met a lot of people because I was the MC. Being a host was not easy, but being a host with an envy heart. It was very difficult. I knew this friend for 10s years. I knew him when I was Form 2, and he was Form 4. We never talk much, but very unqiue friendship in between. He liked to pad my head when he thought I was being stupid. I would make fun of him when I had a chance. We built up our friendship from this foundation. After I left HK to Canada, we still kept in touch. Not many letters, but the feeling was strong.

Attending his wedding was in hard feeling, it was like "I am being left behind." From what they spoke and what they talked about refreshed the memories in my childhood. Parents used to take care of us very much ... spent energy, time, love and money on their children.

I wish I can find my Mr. Right to marry. I hope to find him soon... bcoz I have a lot to say to my parents. Somethings you just can't say it during the normal time, but in special occasion.

I want to get a house I like (like the one in the photo)... and live with my Mr. Right in there. Have my own Green House... =) with a dog.

For me:

= Brave enough to take responsibility
= have my own space with the one I love
= Long term relationship
= treasure the time you can speak to the parents in front of everyone they know you and may be your parents...
= Life time commitment

That is something I am looking for at this moment.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Time to stop

So Rush everyday...

Rush to get up
Rush to dress up
Rush to go to work
Rush to work
Rush to listen online radio
Rush to prepare the projects
Rush to finish up the assignments
Rush to eat lunch
Rush to start up new projects
Rush to go back home to cook
Rush to finish dinner and go back room to listen radio
Rush to study and rush to bed...

When is the time I stop myself.... just a bit slow down??

When you rush to somewhere and tire went flat...
When you are in the washroom
When you are trying to study and realize how tire you are.. and just get on the bed
When you got people "Fly your plane"...

When you really can't handle the RUSH anymore and automatically slow down....

Friday, September 15, 2006




【偶然遇上的驚喜 Part II】曲詞:盧永亨





Thursday, September 14, 2006



To be Continued...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006




What do you think?

Monday, September 04, 2006

Boy jai with Strong hope!!!

I was going to post a lot of things on my blog, but I just didn't find a mood to do so.

Things went pretty well lately. I didn't really need to worry anything, but trying to get back on my track.

Share my dog's pictures with you now...

Boy Jai is really Super!!!! Couple days ago... he was lying on his tummy and looked almost die...

But I guess he has pretty strong living dream. Living hope..... He just turned back to normal after taken "Ling Chi".

So good to see a no face cut Boy jai.... Miss him a lot....

Boy Jai, please wait for me... I will come back to visit you soon. Don't leave me without saying anything to me... be strong! Be STILL!!!