Tuesday, August 29, 2006

係米唔可以Simple D?



Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Where are you, Firemen?

Dear firemen,

Thank you for helping me out last Friday. You were so nice and so protecting me. You prevented me from getting hurt, helping me an extra hand when I need one.

That was the 1st time we met, but I was so surprised that you were there. When I was bleeding, you came to me and pulled out your wallet, got a piece of bandaid and placed it on my finger. Thank you.

I didn't chat with you that long, bcoz I didn't want to make so obvious that I wanted to know you more. I gave you my card and I really hoped that you will call me. Please do so, I was waiting and I am still waiting for your call. Please do call me..... please... please....


Monday, August 21, 2006

Life is full of memories, we won't let them wash away...

This song popped up again. I looked at the lyrics, it's very familiar.... but I just couldn't remember the melody. I remembered Wyman said, "You don't need to remember all the songs you heard, but there must have couple songs, you remembered them by a word, a weird melody or even the strange name..." Yeah... this is an adnormal song for Jacky but very "See Mun" for Kot... the words reminded me a lot of things...

老是一件令人回味的事 張學友、葛民輝合唱 4:24    
曲: David Eriksen/Sabrio Kitmitto/Henning Hartung 詞: 葛民輝 編: 譚國政

See the rain, see the rain fall down
See the rain, see the rain fall down

仍記起春眠不覺曉 處處聞啼鳥 輕歎夜來風雨聲 花落知多少
匆匆歲月年頭過 茫茫人海你和我 太多太多太顛簸 真太多
歎奈何太多 大半生的奔波 大半生的風波 令困擾增多
漸朦朧 猶如夢幻似煙花 太虛假 如煙花的奢華 消逝的芳華

Even if the rain, even if the rain falls down
Life is full of memories, we won't let them wash away
Even if the rain, even if the rain falls down
The sun will always shine on you and me, even even if the rain

回味我往昔光輝 回味我放於心底 回望我逝去的東西 回望我往昔的一切一切
歲月如風 往昔去匆匆 已失了芳蹤 看不見西與東
逝如風 再衝 認真冇陰公 個個起勢衝呀衝 掉低我呢個老公公
咁阿女湊緊老公 我個仔要返工 白頭翁 老翁 發乜野嗡風
明明簡簡單單 卻會兜兜轉轉 心中偏偏反反覆覆 更會奔奔波波風雨中
短歎長嗟 得快樂時且快樂些 只渴望 妳每天愛我多一些
仍記起春眠不覺曉 處處聞啼鳥 輕歎夜來風雨聲 花落知多少
誰能夠無慾無求 衝出天空宇宙 誰能夠少慾隨緣 靜靜看天邊星宿

"明明簡簡單單 卻會兜兜轉轉 心中偏偏反反覆覆 更會奔奔波波風雨中 短歎長嗟 得快樂時且快樂些 只渴望 妳每天愛我多一些" ... No matter what kind of Love.... People always look for Love.... where is mine?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Is like just like that??

My Life:
Money to clothings: somehow I would like to go for some fashions
Money to Church (this is a must... I am trying to to 1/10, but .... no luck...
Money to Continue Education: something I really need to in this world
Money to Transportation: Good that I don't go out that much... only MTR/Buses/ may be Taxi
Money to Saving: More or less.... need to save some...
Money to Food: in home and outsite
Money to social: go out with friends
Money to Electric power: start to pay for the house
Money to fun: something fun for myself
Money to water: Need to pay hydro for the house (also start from next month)
Money to Parents: something I want to do the most... but... very frustrated right now...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Circle of Life

Ice arena is one of the good places to looke at our lives. Ice is cold but the air about is warm, breathable. It is so nice to stay inside, as well as watch from outside. Personally, I don't like ice skating in Hong Kong, bcoz it is just too many people in a small ice arena. Look at the different...

A lot of people in the arena didn't know what they were doing, what they wanted to do, but just going around and around. Some of them had the purposes: chasing each other, learning their skills, looking for targets, practising what they knew, controlling the crown, etc.

Life is just like the time in arena. Time short, but it seems like a lot of things to do. It ends up going around and around. Of coz, some of the people don't want to waste their time, but polishing their skills in this icy area.getting more aggressive; Some like to hang around with friends, social talk.... then go home alone...; Some just standing around and not making any move, may be afraid of fall, afraid of being embarassed.

When you look at the people in the arena. Look at their face... Look at their intention, look at their ways, you may find shadow of yourself inside there.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Maltose Peels

Some memories are always in your mind, but you just don't notice them until you see somethings related to them and the related things stimulate your mind... refresh the memories from deep inside your memories data area...

I never remember this until I saw this...

A simple clear bag with 20s individual wraps inside. NO fancy package, No nurition labels, No "best before date" on it, but I end up bought it from "Shek Lung" station.

I was waiting the train with my boss last Wednesday. He went to choose his magazine, and I picked mine and walked by the snack section. I stopped and looked at the clear bag. It caught my eye right the way, "Maltose dried peels". I just stared at the bags for minutes. I picked one up and walked towards to the cashier.

I sat down in the waiting area, looked at the bag and opened it. All individual wraps were clean. I touched the peels. Honestly, I guessed it had been sitting in the store for LONG TIME. It was melted and extremely hard. I didn't eat it right the way but it brought me a forgotten memory.

My maid used to buy me a bag of it whenever she came back Hong Kong from China. I loved it so much that was why she bought it. During that time, I never thought of anything but snack only. I looked back and saw the whole thing: she spent a lot of money to buy that snack for me everytime she came back.

I remembered that Dad and Mom used to get so mad at her after she came back from China. She would brought a lot of food to me: live animals, cooked meat, candies... and snacks.... so many things, I didn't mind how dirty the foods were bcoz I loved those food she bought, but parents always got so mad and yelled at her. Now I think back.... I really want to say Sorry to her. I should treasured more and more the things she bought.

Even just a small bag of "Maltose peels", it meants a lot of to me. She loved me so much and wouldn't mind to spent her money to treat me. She always remembered me of what I liked to eat, what I needed. I guessed I owned her a lot.

I would liked to pay back.. or just simply say "Thank you" to her... but I guessed I would not be able to do so.... She is already gone to a far far place.... where I am not be able to find her now....... it's not my time to be there yet...

Monday, August 07, 2006

A knot

I had been crying almost the whole day. I cried bcoz I felt the frustration. I was very stressed due to family issues, work, and my personal problems. It seemed like a KNOT in my life.

Thanked God that HE sent Louisa So to call me. We talked a bit. Ah Sa was really nice to me, at lesat she saw the problems and tried to talk me out. I guessed I broke down again... I went no where.... and couldn't know what to do except crying and crying...

Being a crying baby might be very bad, but for me... that was one way to release the sadness. I didn't mean to cry that much. I only wanted to let it out once in a while.

Thinking my future partner will be my savior... bcoz he will take care of me and I am sure I will not think anything same as what I am thinking right now.

Dear God,

Please help me to untide the Knot of my life. Please walk with me. I know you are. Thank you God.~Amen.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Kot? Jan Lamb?

2nd time I went to SoftHard Concert:

The place I went before I went to see "Softhard"

I just couldn't believe that I saw "German". Remember that He has a very BIG THIGH like what Softhard always said....


Talk Show.... (Nice fashion design. Couldn't believe they dressed beside T-shirt and Jeans)

Back to HipHop and Big jacket, Baggy jeans...

"Encore"!! Yeah... I want to let them know. "I miss you! Jan & Kot! You are the best in my life"

Shows were all OVER! But ....I am still in "Softhard heat". I guess I am in the mode of "Crazy in SoftHard" .... No matter what.... always support them as a group and as an individual!!!

See you later, Kot, Jan...

Petting animals = taking care of babies. Need basic needs and love

Oh please, not again????

青 年 獨 留 兩 頭 5 歲 雌 性 嗲 利 犬 在 家 , 鄰 居 聽 聞 困 在 露 台 的 狗 隻 哀 鳴 聲 , 通 知 愛 護 動 物 協 會 到場 , 其 中 一 犬 已 全 無 反 應 , 另 一 頭 奄 奄 一 息 , 同 日 死 亡 , 青 年 昨 在 沙 田 裁 判 法 院 承 認 虐 畜 等 四 項 罪 名 , 聲 稱 返 內 地 兩 天 , 忘 記 將 食 物 及 水 放 回 地 面 , 裁 判 官 要 求 控 方 提 交 獸 醫 報 告 , 以 了 解 嗲 利 犬 的 死 因 , 及 狗 隻 在 不 進 食 多 少 天 才 會 餓 死 , 被 告 還 押 候 判 。

Taking care of animals is very similar to taking care of human beings. Will you ever think of putting a bowl of rice and a glass of water on the table and leave the baby along at home for 2 days???

I feel so sad to human beings, how can we so irresponsible to another creatures?

People, listen up. IF you don't have time to pet, don't have any!!! If you want one but need to leave home more than 10 hours, then get your pet being taken of. It is a shame that my own kind tortures other creature by not giving the basic needs of what it is suppposed to.

If you have any question regarding petting animals, please let me know.... I am willing to help you. Please Stop killing animals.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

How can this be careless?

Please read the summary of this news:
"年 輕 跟 車 工 人 因 欠 租 搬 出 租 住 單 位 , 卻 忍 心 把 一 頭 松 鼠 狗 遺 棄 屋 內 , 最 終 牠 活 活 餓 死 , 裁 判 官 昨 在 東 區 裁 判 法 院 判 刑 指 , 雖 然 未 能 證 實 工 人 蓄 意 虐 待 , 但 認 為 他 疏 忽 和 漠 視 小 狗 , 令 牠 受 痛 苦 , 工 人 離 開 單 位 後 把 小 狗 鎖 是 不 可 以 接 受 , 事 件 令 社 會 震 驚 , 須 判 刑 阻 嚇 , 判 入 獄 14 日 及 罰 款 1,000 元 。 本 港 關 注 動 物 團 體 均 認 為 判 刑 太 輕 , 會 向 公 眾 發 出 反 面 訊 息 。 ..."
Whenever I read news like that, I will be so angry, I will be so mad. I praised to Lord that he created dogs to us. They are just very unique living organisms. How can those people so careless in terms of taking care of animals? Why would they take the life at the first place?

It is so sad that animals have to end their lives like that. We are talking about a life, something is breathing the same air with us. Just only 14 days in prison and $1000??? we are talking about a life! He is not in our food chain (at least no in HK people food chain). Just only 14 days? 14 days in prison???? What is that for? go in... days and nights.... time goes fast... 14 days just like 2-3 TV program series... and that is it!!! I think at least 14 months for killing a life. $1000 for what? for burying the animal?? What the...?

When the police opened the apartment door, the dog was dead in his cage, got locked up with an empty bowl and empty water bowl beside him. When I pictured this, I just couldn't think of it anymore... He used to give a lot of joys to human beings, see how the people treated him? That is why I love animals more... People are just too selfish!!!!!!

Sorry, I am too mad right now. If I can do anything to this guy, I will!!!!!

For those who don't like animals. Animals are just like another human being to Animal lovers. So I guess you understand how we feel when we read the animal abuse news.

Where the heck is "Loyalty" in human kind? Dog is the most loyalty animal among others (included human beings) and human just betray them badly.

If you don't like animal, then don't touch them. They are not gifts! They are not toys, they are not something you like then come; you don't like then leave.... They are living organisms as well. They have lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are also part of the world. We have to learn how to love them.

People, please listen! You are ruling the world but not the animals bcoz you are self-centered, greedy, and it's planned by God. It doesn't mean God gives you power to destroy other living kinds. Be ware of what you are doing to other kinds.

Need to calm down myself... now...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What am I looking for....? [1]

"細路哥, 你得到什麼?

你失去什麼? 你知道, what are u looking for...."

What am I looking for? Career? Love relationship? Family? I have been asking this question for days. What do I really want in my life? Do I want to have business? Do I want to start new things again?

Compare with some friends, I don't have well paid career... but ... good enough to support myself for now.

As a lot of my friends who knows me well, I want to have a simple life. I don't need to be luxury, wealthy life. I guess I need money... but not expensive.

Anyway.... to be continued...

Cantonese is that hard to learn?

(其實系 “我想要檸水”)

又有一次,我聽到有人甘講:“阿姐同KENNETH 去買底衫褲”。
(其實系 “阿姐同KENNETH去買洗手盤”)

點解D人成日講野要有D 甘既懶音?有時我都去學下D人講唔正既音。

SEE 你明唔明?

遊其是系蟹D 愛各人免錢,好貴吵架。

