Thursday, October 29, 2009

Message from Ron

Hi Percy,

Here is some encouragement from someone who I asked to pray for you:

This is a personalized prayers from Kassey.

Percy I have prayed for you today!! I myself had a very difficult time with
depression until I met a wonderful Christian Therapist and started to pray. pray
percy and so will the rest of us and God will pull you out of this!!

My Father and my God, your watchful care is a blessed assurance in my life.
Shield and defend me from the attacks from the evil forces in this world. O
Lord, be my Hiding Place and my Mighty Fortress. "you are my hiding place and my
shield; I hope in Your word" (Psalm 119:114 NKJV). Amen

Here I am again, O Lord, at the foot of Your cross, so thankful that you
love me just the way I am - imperfect and broken. Mend me and fill me with your
love and grace my Lord. Amen.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to
change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a
time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to
peace; Taking, as [Christ] did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have
it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That
I maybe reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in
the next. Amen.

Why are you downcast? O my Soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope
in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. My soul is downcast
within me; therefore I will remember you... By day the Lord directs his love, at
night his song is with me - a prayer to the God of my life (Psalm 42:5-6, 8,


Ron has been very sick in the past years. It was Miracle from God that HE healed Ron when Ron was little. But then, Evil took the miracle away. It is really LONG story... I just can't write it all down at this moment. I will write it down when I have time.

Hope you will have some encouragement from what he sent me.

Thanks, Ron

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Busy day

today is another busy day. At least Kenneth is around and I know I am safe and quiet at night. That is why I love to be with Kenneth. He doesn't talk alot, but good enough I feel safe and happy.

So many things to do, especially when the Event comes......

What event? you don't know? let me tell you.

It seems like everything is set... but need to have more organized on Volunteers..

Volunteers are happy, I am happy... bcoz they are my friends as well. =)

If you are my volutneers and reading this, please note that I am serious about the friendship between you and me. Not only the Volunteering.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Time is ticking

Have you ever think of something and you become Emotion?

yeah, I am now... !!!!

Whenever I think the time is ticking... I know it is getting closer...

Whenever I think the day is getting darker... I know it is getting closer...

Whenever I think of his face... I know it is getting closer...

You will ask me, getting closer to WHAT?

I am telling you... getting closer to....

his ARRIVAL TIME!! Yeah, he is coming back... I am so happy!!!!! Can't wait to see him tonight!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thanks, Ron

Try using 1 Cor 10:13 to minister with your friend. Also I think I remember one of the FBC teachers that said God isn't as concerned what you are going thru, but what you do and especially how your handle your situation. Roms 8:28... I am seeing with a cousin now, that being slapped around some, etc is pulling her, her family to the Lord and especially her 26 years old daughter to trust the Lord with all the bad stuff that has happened. No, I don't people should be physically hurt, but I have seen in this case, it is really showing them things still can work out and learn from the bad things. Believe me she was far from perfect, but still men should not abuse their spouse. So use your own common sense and experience you've learned through the years, and tie the different things in with a Scripture that applies to those situation, and her special situation and what she is dealing with. If you know a woman/lady/even a younger woman who is mature in the Lord, maybe let her and your friend spend time together. Sometimes females especially need to unload and talk and that helps more than you may realize.

This is what Ron told me. Thanks, Ron. I am very appreciated it.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

1% Positive

These days... my stress level is getting higher and higher. yes, Alice is coming back. the invisible pressume comes from her emails.

I thought I replied her emails (She said she had 200s emails, and I believe 100s from me.)...

Anyway, there are just too many ways from her to contact me... It is just so troublesome.

I am scared... I am not scare by the job, but the person.
No matter how good I think I do, she will just put the negative first.

95% Negative, 3% Neutral, 1% Suggestion, 1% Positive

Do you know how much I do in order to fight for 1% positive?

It is very sad to do so much in order to reward that 1%. It is just very hard... very difficult.

If she wants me to learn from my mistake... without regularly positive encouragement, I am sorry, I just don't understand how it works.

It is the Reality?

Come on, I just want to be me.. I just want to be coordinator, don't put me on the spot. I just want to do the job... I just want to do the good job in my position. But Demand is getting higher and more... I can't stand it anymore... I just can't stand it anymore....

Why she always do this to me? I feel like stand at the corner.