Monday, January 16, 2006

Letter to God

Dear God,

Thank you for telling me again how closed you are to me. please forgive me by not giving too much time to you. I am happy that I am having your love in me.

I was so happy today. I had enough energy to get up and went to church. I was glad that I didn't miss the sermon. Once again, "Emmanuel"!

I was getting tired after lunch. I didn't really want to have Sushi today, but Mom insisted to have it for lunch. Really filled me up. Once again, I felt how lucky I was. I was able to eat the luxury food I could afforded.

I went to supermarket with mom. I hadn't do this with her for a long time. I picked up the feeling and I really like that feeling to be with her. You know what? I had changed me a lot in my life. I still remembered the time I went to that supermarket. I was with Jason. We had so much memories there, and I eventually changed those painful memories into good memories. I could really put that relationship aside finally. Thank you, my Lord.

Benny went to my house. He had a nap at my house. Glad to have him during dinner time. I didn't really like eat with mom alone. Nothing I can talked to mom, good to have someone else at the table.

Please open his heart and let him understand how much you love him. He is one of my good friends and I really want to share your love with him. Please lead him to you. I don't really know what else I should do beside praying for him to you. My Lord, please listen to his heart. I am sure he is not mad at you, or angry at you, but he is confused. He doesn't understand the Love of GOD.

Thank you for taking care King and Dad in HK. Please protect them as always and please protect Edcon from the sins as well. I also put my career on your hand. I am not sure where/ what I should go/do. I don't know your plan, please let me know. Please show it to me. I am very lost. If you already showed me. Please let me know again. I might missed it or I just ignored it. Please forgive how careless I am, and I don't want to make the wrong choice. Please guide me the way to you.

I am praying in the name of Jesus Christ.... ~Amen.

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