Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hanging on the cliff.

I have been working in World Vision more than a week. So far so good. Thank God for giving me the opportunities to explore on this side of Ontario, to share my thoughts with people I newly known, to gain my spiritual growth thru serving to GOD when I am working.

A lot of things to do at work. There are so many projects to complete, but only a few of us work. I need to find volunteers. I need to find people I trust to help me out. I believe Angels are around, just need to target them and find them.

Connor is living with us around 2 weeks. Everything is fine but we need to know his langauge in order to understand when it's his washroom break. Cookie gets himself into one piece after Boy jai passed away. He is more active at home now. thank God!

Today, I have a chapel at work and the lady was talking about her experience. She was doing some outdoor exercise related to cliff ( Repelling? I don't know the word), but she needed to climb (skipping) down from the cliff. She was terrifying in Height, she was going to skip the chance, but end up she went there.

When she was hanging on the cliff. She was shaking and yelling out for help. The instructor asked her to focus to 'him' while she needed to laid back and land her feet on the cliff (If you can think of the position, she was like sitting in the air). After the struggling, and she finally found herself a bit calm down and started moving down to the land. She was struggling whether she just hanging on the cliff? or focused on her instructor, listened the instructions carefuly. Eventually, she managed to came down on her own. By not letting other distract you and do the work... need to focus on the instructions from the above.

Things are always like that... I have so many things distract aside, but how to FOCUS on GOD is the main point. I need to learn how to Laid back on faith, and Fix my eyes to my LORD.

wow! so spiritual this time.... yeah, I am trying to get myself spiritual personal growth. Please pray for me although you are not christian.

Take care, God bless.

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