Monday, August 21, 2006

Life is full of memories, we won't let them wash away...

This song popped up again. I looked at the lyrics, it's very familiar.... but I just couldn't remember the melody. I remembered Wyman said, "You don't need to remember all the songs you heard, but there must have couple songs, you remembered them by a word, a weird melody or even the strange name..." Yeah... this is an adnormal song for Jacky but very "See Mun" for Kot... the words reminded me a lot of things...

老是一件令人回味的事 張學友、葛民輝合唱 4:24    
曲: David Eriksen/Sabrio Kitmitto/Henning Hartung 詞: 葛民輝 編: 譚國政

See the rain, see the rain fall down
See the rain, see the rain fall down

仍記起春眠不覺曉 處處聞啼鳥 輕歎夜來風雨聲 花落知多少
匆匆歲月年頭過 茫茫人海你和我 太多太多太顛簸 真太多
歎奈何太多 大半生的奔波 大半生的風波 令困擾增多
漸朦朧 猶如夢幻似煙花 太虛假 如煙花的奢華 消逝的芳華

Even if the rain, even if the rain falls down
Life is full of memories, we won't let them wash away
Even if the rain, even if the rain falls down
The sun will always shine on you and me, even even if the rain

回味我往昔光輝 回味我放於心底 回望我逝去的東西 回望我往昔的一切一切
歲月如風 往昔去匆匆 已失了芳蹤 看不見西與東
逝如風 再衝 認真冇陰公 個個起勢衝呀衝 掉低我呢個老公公
咁阿女湊緊老公 我個仔要返工 白頭翁 老翁 發乜野嗡風
明明簡簡單單 卻會兜兜轉轉 心中偏偏反反覆覆 更會奔奔波波風雨中
短歎長嗟 得快樂時且快樂些 只渴望 妳每天愛我多一些
仍記起春眠不覺曉 處處聞啼鳥 輕歎夜來風雨聲 花落知多少
誰能夠無慾無求 衝出天空宇宙 誰能夠少慾隨緣 靜靜看天邊星宿

"明明簡簡單單 卻會兜兜轉轉 心中偏偏反反覆覆 更會奔奔波波風雨中 短歎長嗟 得快樂時且快樂些 只渴望 妳每天愛我多一些" ... No matter what kind of Love.... People always look for Love.... where is mine?

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