Thursday, September 25, 2008

Think Great Thoughts..

Think Great Thoughts:
True --> "Is this True"?
Honorable --> "Does this honr God and reflect his purposes for me?"
Right --> "Is this right or wrong?"
Pure --> "Am I thinking on things that are pure and holy?"
Lovely --> "Is my mind filled with beauty?"
Of good repute --> "are these thoughts fit for God's hearing?"
Anyting of excellence and worthy of praise --> "Anything that has moral excellence, motivates us to godly behavior, or encourages others to walk with God?"

Learning to think great thoughs is a constant lifelong process:
Think great thoughts about God
Think great thoughts about yourself
Think great thoughts about others
Think great thoughts about life
Think great thoughts about the future
Think great thoughts about the past
Think great thoughts about challenges

What do you think? Good that I am reading this.... Good good...

Percy, Go Go Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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