Friday, July 20, 2007

I am bowing down....

Thank you.

Thank you...

I don't know what else I can say to you all.

After you know what happened, you guys keep calling me, emailing me, msning me about how to help me financially, physcially, and mentally. Thank you. I know how much GOD loves me. I really know.

Financially, yeah... I honestly tell you that I do have major problem. But I don't want to use my family money... I know they won't need me to pay them back. I feel bad that they have to go through the things with me. That is why I am looking for someone who can help me on that. I may not be able to pay back right the way... but thank you for offering your help to me. I am very appreciated it.

Physically, yeah... I am breaking down. 1st bcoz of my own health. I really need to BIG tune up. I really need a long annual check up. That is why I am planning to do it in Canada. OHIP, thank you to Ontario Government.

Mentally, I keep telling myself that I shouldn't think negative but positive. Please pray for me. Please sending me positive energy. I know I am running out my positive energy. Drainning out soon.

My dear friends, I believe God is carrying my family and me. I am not afraid to face the truth, but please pray for me. When you are be with me, you don't need to find something to make me smile or happy... just be with me...and I will be ok. Thank you.

You are my angels.

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