Monday, September 10, 2007

First time ever

I bought a rawhide chip to Cookie and rawhide bone for Boy jai. Cookie finished up Boyjai's bone and Boy jai tried to steal the chip from Cookie.

This afternoon, Boy jai went to pick up the chip with his mouth and he walked by Cookie and looked at him. Cookie went crazy but followed Boy jai only.

Boy jai was chewing the chip while Cooke was looking at him whinning. All of a sudden, I saw a shadow went into the room (where Boy jai was) and I heard screaming. I ran into the room, and saw a black fur ball on the floor only. I heard the screams.... didn't see the white one... but only the black one.... I went to seperate them and I found out Cookie was right on top of BOY JAI. He didn't move but just lied on top of boy jai. I am sure Boy jai was screaming , "get off me, you AXXXXX!!!!!!" ...

I found the scene was funny, but no time to get my camera... hahahahaaah!!!

Don't worry, the way they played.... just rougher everytime. I will try to avoid it.

1 comment:

The Yee's said...

Percy... your dogs are so cute!!! Awe... can't wait till Phil and I finally get one... we need to wait for the approval from the condo board!!! But since our place is brand new there is no condo board, so we will wait for awhile!!! :)